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Home   Popular Standard   Can the service life of PPR water pipes really reach 50 years? ISO 9080 uses extrapolation to determine the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastic pipes

Can the service life of PPR water pipes really reach 50 years? ISO 9080 uses extrapolation to determine the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastic pipes

Can PPR pipes last for 50 years? Yes, they can, but it's conditional.

The 50-year lifespan of PPR pipe is derived from the characteristics of polymer materials and corresponding experiments. According to the evaluation standard for the service life of pipes, ISO9080 "Determination of Long-Term Hydrostatic Strength of Thermoplastic Pipes by Extrapolation Method", PPR pipe can achieve a service life of over 50 years under working temperature of 70℃ and working pressure (P.N) of 1.0MPa (provided that the pipe must be above S3.2 and S2.5 series). Therefore, the service life of PPR pipe is influenced by two main factors: working temperature and working pressure.

The temperature range for PPR pipes is -10℃ to 65℃, and the normal pressure bearing capacity of hot water pipes is 16MPa. For normal household water usage, hot water is generally used for washing, so the water temperature will not exceed 70 degrees Celsius. The water supply for buildings is usually 0.4MPa, and if there is a secondary pressure station supplying water to high-rise buildings, it is generally around 0.8MPa to 1.25MPa. Therefore, theoretically speaking, PPR pipes can be used for 50 years.

However, some households now use PPR pipes for heating systems, where the inlet water temperature ranges from 60 to 80 degrees Celsius, which exceeds the long-term usage temperature of PPR pipes and significantly shortens their lifespan. PB pipes are more suitable for high-temperature heating systems than PPR pipes.

The service life of PPR pipes is also closely related to construction. If the installation process is not standardized, resulting in damage to the pipes or insufficient heat fusion, the PPR pipes will soon develop problems. Additionally, PPR pipes exhibit low-temperature brittleness, and it is not recommended to carry out construction work at temperatures below 5℃. Forcing construction at such temperatures will also shorten the service life of PPR pipes.

In general, the long service life of PPR water pipes is widely recognized, with a lifespan that can reach up to 50 years.

ISO 9080 Hydrostatic Pressure Test for Thermoplastic Pipeline Materials

ASTM D2837 Standard Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials or Pressure Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Products

Calculation method for ISO 9080 standard pressure rating
ISO 9080 is the key to determining the long-term life and strength performance of plastic pressure pipes. ISO 9080 uses a large amount of static hydraulic failure test data with a test time of more than 1 year to obtain ring stress RLPL at various temperatures T, failure times t, and survival rates of 97.5% through statistical extrapolation. The design stress RD under the condition of ensuring the service life of 50 years is obtained by dividing the R LPL of 20 years and 50 years by the total usage coefficient C. According to this design, the stress RD can usually ensure a service life of 50 years.

The ISO standard pressure rating calculation method uses a long-term strength value called MRS (Minimum Required Strength Value) to calculate the pipeline pressure rating. MRS is the test data obtained from the static hydraulic test of pipeline samples according to ISO 9080PE. The MRS test data is submitted to the Hydrostatic Management Board (HSB), an independent branch of PPI. Then it hands over the MRS values to the PE pipeline manufacturer. These MRS values can be found on PPI TR-4. Then the pipeline engineer calculates the pressure rating of the PE pipeline for water supply using the following formula based on the given MRS value.

ISO9080 level testing method for polyethylene pipe materials  http://www.firete.com/news/zhengce/9398.html 
ISO 9080 Hydrostatic Strength Test for Pipe Materials  http://www.firete.com/news/zhengce/9398.html

For more detailed information on ISO9080 pipeline water pressure testing, please consult Nanjing Smart Company
Nanjing Smart Company Consultation Hotline: +86 25-8658 3475   +86 25-8658 3465
Website: www.fire-test.com     www.firete.com 
Email: info@fire-test.com 

 Source:防火网  Addtime:11/28/2024  Hits:84

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