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Home   Marine   IMO FTPC Part 1: Non-combustibility test

IMO FTPC Part 1: Non-combustibility test

IMO FTPC Part 1: Non-combustibility test

IMO FTPC Part 1: Non-combustibility test (ISO 1182)


Test method

The specimen is weighted and placed into a basket. A thermocouple is inserted into the centre of the specimen and connected to the logging equipment. In addition the specimen thermocouple, there is also a thermocouple placed inside of the furnace. The specimen is lowered into the furnace (which is set at 750°C) and remains in this position for the entire 20 minute test duration. During the test the temperatures from the two thermocouples are logged and observations relating to the duration of flaming are recorded.


Test specimen

The test specimen shall be cylindrical and each shall have a volume of (76±8) cm3, a diameter of 45(+0/-2) mm and a height of (50±3) mm. eight specimens are required.


Expression of results


1 Mass loss

Calculate and record the mass loss in % for each of the specimens, expressed as a percentage of the initial mass of the specimen.


2 Flaming

Calculate and record the total duration of sustained flaming, in s, for each of the specimens.


3 Temperature rise

Calculate and record the temperature rise, T=Tm-Tf, in , for each of the specimens recorded by the thermocouple. The temperature rise, in , shall be calculated from the temperatures recorded by the two thermocouples for each specimen as follow:

a)      specimen centre thermocouple

Tc=Tc (max)-Tc (final)

b)  specimen surface thermocouple

       Ts=Ts (max)-Ts (final)


IMO MSC 61(67) FTPC – Test list

IMO FTPC Part 1: Non-combustibility test

IMO FTPC Part 2: Smoke and toxicity test

IMO FTPC Part 4: Test for fire door control systems

IMO FTPC Part 5: Test for surface flammability

IMO FTPC Part 6: Test for primary deck coverings

IMO FTPC Part 7: Test for vertically supported textiles and films

IMO FTPC Part 8: Test for upholstered furniture.

IMO FTPC Part 9: Test for bedding components

ISO 9705 and ISO 5660: Test for fire-restricting materials for high-speed craft

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 Source:防火网  Addtime:7/28/2010 Hits:11777

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