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Home   Construction materials   ISO EN 9239-1:2010 floor-covering Reaction to fire tests

ISO EN 9239-1:2010 floor-covering Reaction to fire tests

ISO EN 9239-1:2010 floor-covering Reaction to fire tests


ISO EN 9239-1:2010 revised ISO EN 9239-1: 2002 floor-covering Reaction to fire tests

ISO EN 9239-1: Reaction to fire tests-Horizontal surface spread of flame on floor-covering systems-Part 1: Flame spread using a radiant heat ignition source.

The method standard is similar with GB/T 11785:2005


This standard specifies the performance assessment of the ground material combustion method. The method is burning in the test box, with a small flame ignited horizontally and exposed to 30 ° tilt in the heat radiation plate surface material, to assess their ability to fire spread. This method is suitable for a variety of ground materials (including substrate) of the combustion performance.

Based on the thermal radiation curve, the observed flame propagation distance converted KW/ Sample did not ignite or flame spread not more than 110mm, it's critical heat flux ≥ 11 KW/m2, sample flame spread distance of more than 910mm, it's critical heat flux ≤ 1.1 KW/m2.m2, calculating the critical heat radiation, accurate to 0.2 KW/m2.


Application ISO EN 9239-1 Fire testing materials

Flooring, floor coating materials
Rubber flooring, PVC flooring
Plastic flooring, plastic flooring
Aluminum honeycomb panel
Other ground cover material


Tel:(+0086) 25-8658 3475

 Source:防火网  Addtime:9/2/2010 Hits:9076

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