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Home   Popular Standard   Concrete stabilizer EN934-2 EU CE certification - CE certification for concrete admixtures

Concrete stabilizer EN934-2 EU CE certification - CE certification for concrete admixtures

Concrete volume stabilizer is a new type of concrete admixture product specially developed according to the difficult problems of poor volume stability and affecting concrete durability commonly existing in modern concrete. Concrete stabilizer can form a dense gel layer on the concrete surface, thus improving the impermeability and corrosion resistance of concrete. Stabilizers for concrete need to apply for CE certification in accordance with the EU CPR regulations, based on the coordinated standard EN 934-2:2009+A1:2012. They can only be sold in the EU market after passing the EU CPR CE certification. Nanjing Smart is an authorized cooperative institution under the EU Announcement Number, which can directly accept the EU CPR CE certification for stabilizers (concrete admixtures), including factory audits and product testing. Looking forward to your consultation and communication, hotline +86 25-8658 3475.

Stabilizers for concrete - EU CE certification - EN934-2 standard name
EN 934-2:2009+A1:2012 mixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling

Application scope of EU CE certification EN934-2 stabilizer for concrete

EN934-2 covers admixtures for plain concrete, reinforced concrete, and prestressed concrete used for on-site mixing, ready mixed concrete, and precast concrete.
The performance requirements in this standard apply to admixtures used in normal consistency concrete. They may not be suitable as admixtures for other types of concrete, such as semi dry and soil wet mixtures.

EU CE certification for stabilizers used in concrete - EN934-2 certification System

According to the CPR regulations for building products in the European Union, EN934-2 for building stabilizers (concrete admixtures) is certified using AVCP System 2+. It must be a Registered Body of the European Union and a laboratory accredited with EN934-2 standards.

Manufacturer Responsibilities: 
Factory Production Control (FPC); 
Initial type testing; 
Testing of samples taken at the factory

Responsibilities of NB organization: 
Certification of FPC on the basis of Initial inspection of factory and of FPC, Continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of FPC

EN 934 Additive for mortar concrete and cement slurry, consisting of the following parts

EN 934-1: Common Requirements
EN 934-2: Concrete admixtures - Definitions, requirements, standards, marking and labeling
EN 934-3: Masonry mortar additives - Definition, requirements, compliance, marking and labeling
EN 934-4: Cement grout additives for prestressing tendons - Definition, requirements, compliance, marking and labeling
EN 934-5: Shocked concrete - Definitions, requirements, compliance, marking and labeling
EN 934-6: Sampling standard control and compliance assessment
This European standard can be used in conjunction with the EN480 series, which is a component of the additive testing method.

EN 934-2 stabilizer CE certification process

1. Submit certification application
Confirm the CPR certification standard (EN934-2) and certification mode (Mode 2+) for building materials
3 NB institutions arrange factory inspections
Preparation for Factory Audit 4
5 NB institution auditors conduct FPC (Factory Production Control) audits on factories
6. Rectify according to requirements
After fully complying with EN934-2 requirements, NB organization issues CE certificate
8 products with CE marking added, entering the EU market

For more information, please refer to

Nanjing Smart | Fire and flame retardant testing | Fire resistance performance testing of components
Nanjing Smart | EU Announcement Number Building Materials CE Certification | NB Institution EU CE Certification

Nanjing Smart Company is an authorized cooperative organization for the EU Announcement No. Notified Body Laboratory, which can directly accept CE certification and ETA certification for various types of construction products
Nanjing Smart National Free Consultation Hotline: +86 25-8658 3475    +86 25-8658 3465
Website: www.fire-test.com    www.cprce.com 
Email: info@hksmartps.com 
WeChat: Firetesting or 17714189018

 Source:防火网  Addtime:11/28/2024  Hits:103

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