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Home   Popular Standard   AS 4072.1 Fire-resistant isolation components - Fire-resistant testing of penetrations and control joints

AS 4072.1 Fire-resistant isolation components - Fire-resistant testing of penetrations and control joints

AS 4072.1Standard:
AS 4072.1:Components for the protection of openings in fire-resistant separating elements -Part 1: Service penetrations and control joints

What is a joint penetration

Joint penetrations are tools used to connect pipeline components, typically consisting of a pair of connecting pipes and joint penetrations. They are widely used in industries such as oil, natural gas, chemical, water supply, and electricity to connect pipelines buried underground, above ground, and on the seabed.

AS 4072.1 Components for the protection of openings in fire-resistant separating elements-Scope

This Standard sets out minimum requirements for the construction, installation and application of fire resistance tests to sealing systems - (a) around penetrations through separating building elements that are required to have a fire resistance level (FRL) or, if applicable, a resistance to the incipient spread of fire; and (b) at control joints between building elements that are required to have a fire resistance level (FRL).

The Standard is intended to complement the fire protection requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and to be read in conjunction with the appropriate clauses of AS 1530.4, which provides methods for determining the fire resistance of service penetrations and control joints.

AS 4072.1 reference standard

AS 1530 Part 4: Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures-Part 4: Fire resistance tests of elements of building construction
BCA Building Code of Australia

NATA & Nanjing Smart

NATA stands for the National Association of Testing Authorities, an accreditation committee/organization in Australia. Test reports and certificates issued by NATA-accredited laboratories in Australia carry absolute authority. Nanjing Smart Company, in collaboration with NATA-accredited laboratories in Australia, provides our clients with fire resistance testing in accordance with Australian Standards AS 4072.1 and AS1530.4.

The world's first laboratory accreditation organization was the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA), established in Australia in 1947. The establishment of NATA was supported by the Australian federal government, professional research institutions, and the industrial sector.

Nanjing Smart provides fireproofing, flame retardancy, and fire resistance testing

Building materials: EN 13501-1,BS 476-4,BS 476-6,BS 476-7,DIN 4102-1,NF P92-501,NF P92-503,NF P92-507,EN ISO 5660-1,ISO 5658-2,ISO 1716,EN 4589,ISO 5659-2

Fire-resistant components: ISO 834, EN 1363, EN 1364, EN 1366, EN 45545-3, BS 476-20, BS 476-21, BS 476-22, BS 476-23,

Nanjing Smart Consulting Tel: +86 25-8658 3475
Website: www.fire-test.com 
Email: info@fire-test.com 
WeChat Official Account:  firetesting or 177 1418 9018

 Source:防火网  Addtime:11/28/2024  Hits:69

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