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Home   Popular Standard   Smart test share | EN 45545-3:2024 rail vehicle fire safety standard update!

Smart test share | EN 45545-3:2024 rail vehicle fire safety standard update!

◆  EN 45545-3:2024 Upgrade the fire barrier standard for rail vehicles

EN 45545-3:2024 Railway use-Railway vehicle fire prevention-Part 3-Fire resistance requirements for fire barriers

◆ In the rail car, you can often see the end wall (including the door) or the partition barrier between the driver's cab and the passenger room.

It divides the whole train into several areas. Once a fire occurs on the train, it can effectively block the flame and its products from spreading to the protected area, and provide relatively safe areas for passengers and crew before evacuation to ensure the safety of passengers, so it can also be called a "life-saving wall".graph 1

Fire barriers prevent fire spread and gas penetration and provide a safe area before passengers are evacuated. The EN 45545-3 specifies the requirements for vehicle fire barriers. During the decade from the publication of the first edition in 2013 to 2023, technological development has been rapidly, and the EN 45545 series led by CEN / TC 256 has been continuously updated, in which EN 45545-3 was approved by CEN in October 2023, officially published in March 2024, and all suitable for national and / or regional requirements before August 2024 into national standards, with conflicting standards must be scrapped. Nanjing Smart to take you to see the specific differences between the old and new versions: Figure 2

order number

EN 45545-3:2013

EN 45545-3:2024



Content / change


Content / change




EN 45545-3 specifies the fire resistance requirements and test methods for vehicle fire barriers

EN 45545-3 Requirements and Measures to protect the passengers and crew on board when the vehicle is in a developing fire situation

Protection for vehicles is not within the scope of this section



Add: Use of the FCCS system as an alternative fire barrier is not within the scope of this standard



Standard reference


Standard reference

All reference standards specify the year number

The ISO 834-1 was removed

No direct impact



general requirements

5.1.1 Introduction

5.1.2 Integrity E

5.1.3 Thermal Insulation I

5.1.4 Thermal radiation W


general requirements

Cancel all of 5.1.2-5.1.4

Change: E / I / W according to the provisions of EN 13501-2:2016

Compared with the 2013 version, the criterion of not igniting cotton pad is applicable, consistent with EN 1363-1




Closing device on ventilation duct



Closing device on ventilation duct

For the ventilation pipe through the fire partition plate, adding the extra pipe itself does not need to meet the fire resistance


Table 1

Including the vehicle-bottom technical equipment cabinet with high-power electrical equipment

Table 1

Add: 1) lithium battery containing traction and auxiliary power supply; 2) exclude, in addition to the brake resistance, add the cable between the heating resistance and the connection point


◆ Note that, in the EN 45545-3:

For non- (EU) 2016 / 797 vehicles, the cab rear wall I15 shall be replaced by W15.

The lowest grade E, second grade EW, highest grade EI, as shown in the figure below. graph 3

◆ About the integrity performance assessment E:

Flame: No constant flame on the backsurface.

Cotton pad: the cotton pad shall not ignite when applicable, that is, the flame or no flame combustion.

Gap gauge: the 6mm diameter gauge shall not move 150mm or above along the gap after passing through the sample, and the gauge of 25mm diameter shall not pass through the sample into the test furnace.

◆ Regarding the thermal insulation performance assessment I:

Average temperature: The increase of the average temperature from the initial temperature shall not exceed 140℃.

Maximum temperature: The maximum temperature shall not exceed 180℃ from the initial temperature.

◆Regarding the thermal radiation performance assessment W:

The highest level of thermal radiation measured at any point 1m from the backfire surface does not exceed 15 k W/m2.

◆ Nanjing Smart | fire flame retardant detection | component fire resistance performance detection

Track vehicles: EN 45545-2, EN 45545-3, TB / T 3237, NFPA 130, TB 3138, NF F16-101, BS 6853, DIN 5510-2, UIC 564-2,

reference for https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/4260230.html

EN 45545-2:2020 + A1:2023 standard what are the new regulations

reference for https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/6748549.html

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 Source:防火网  Addtime:5/31/2024  Hits:144

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