The detection of rail vehicle paint shall be conducted according to EN45545-2 R1. EN45545-2 R1 standard for paint and other rail vehicle large area of material fire retardant, smoke toxicity detection. EN 45545-2 is established in accordance with existing rail vehicle fire safety regulations of the International Railway Union (UIC) and different European countries. The EN 45545-2 is the core part of the most commonly used material fire test in the new EN 45545 standard. Nanjing Smart provides one-stop EN45545-2 R1 testing and consultation, tel: +86 25-86583475.
EN45545-2 vehicle fire prevention and smoke poison detection
EN45545-2:2023 is divided into 28 categories: R1-R28 according to the end use of materials; three fire risk levels of vehicle operation: HL1, HL2 and HL3 (HL3 is the highest grade requirement).(EN45545-2:2020 standard is upgraded to EN45545-2:2020 + A1:2023)
EN 45545-2 Railway application-Fire protection of railway vehicles - Part 2: Requirement for fire behaviors of materials and components
EN45545-2:2020 + A1:2023 The latest standard is divided into 28 categories: R1-R28 according to the final use of the material. The front R1-R26 category is basically the same line with the old standard, with a new R27 light diffuser and display cover and R28 floor composites (including floor substrate and floor cover).
vehicle paint EN 45545-2 R1 grade classification
According to the risk degree of vehicle operation, there are three fire risk levels: HL1, HL2 and HL3.
Note: Please consult Nanjing Smart for the specific requirements of different levels.
Test method for rail vehicle paint EN 45545-2 R1
EN ISO 5658 for Spread of flame / Flame Spread test
EN ISO 5660-1 for Heat Release / Heat release test
EN ISO 5659-2 for smoke density / smoke density test
EN ISO 5659-2 for toxicity test / toxicity test
EN 17084 for toxicity test / Toxicity testing
Rail vehicle paint EN 45545-2 R1 sample requirements
800 mm x 155 mm x thickness
100 mm x 100 mm x thickness
76 mm x 76 mm x thickness
The EU EN 45545-2 standard will gradually become the main trend of rail vehicle fire smoke poison test. Nanjing Smart has assisted many domestic and foreign enterprises to successfully obtain EN 45545-2 fire smoke poison test report and certificate. Nanjing Smart specializes in rail vehicle fire prevention and smoke poison detection for more than ten years, and has rich experience in testing and sample delivery.
Nanjing Smart Contact information:
Tel.: +86 25-8658 3475 +86 25-8658 3465
Wechat: firetesting or 177 1418 9018