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Home   Popular Standard   What are the grade requirements for wire and wire and cable standard NF F16-101 test?

What are the grade requirements for wire and wire and cable standard NF F16-101 test?

The use of wire and wire and cable is widely self-evident. For the application in rail vehicles, limited by the special operating environment, the flame retardant of the cable must meet certain requirements before it can be applied in vehicles. At present, the EU E N45545-2, which attracts high attention on the market, has clear fire requirements for wire and cable, and the wire and cable test is not mentioned much. Nanjing Smart has been deep ploughing in wire and cable fire testing for decades, and has rich experience in the interpretation and testing of wire and cable N F F16-101 standard. If you are concerned about the test of cable N F F16-101, please contact the hotline +86 25-86583475.

Cable N F F16-101 focuses on two test items: N F C32-070 flame retardant grade test, class F smoke toxicity test

Cable NF C32-070 flame retardant classification test: C 1 class, C 2 class
The NFC 32-070 Test exposes the wires and cables vertically to a heat source of approximately 800℃ for 30 minutes

NF C32-070 C1 requires that the damage length of wire and cable should not exceed 800mm, and the length of the whole test cable is 1600mm. NFC32-070 C level 1 level test must reach NFC32-070 C2 level.
NF C32-070 C2 requires the failure length of wire and cable to be between 50 mm and 540 mm, and the length of the whole test cable is 600mm (refer to the single combustion test requirements of the cable).

After the wire and cable meet the test requirements of NF C 32-070 standard, they should also meet the NF F 16-101 standard, and divide the wire and cable into A, B, C and D, 4 grades.
A: In the upper part of the stove, no burning, no lowering
B: In the upper part of the furnace, the length reduction shall not exceed 50mm
C: In the upper part of the furnace, the length reduction shall not exceed 300mm
D: At the upper part of the furnace, the length reduction does not exceed the top part of the tube
NC: In the upper part of the furnace, the length reduction does not exceed the top of the tube

Class F smoke toxicity test of wire and cable: F 0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5
Grade F requires two tests, N F X10-702 smoke test and N F X70-100 toxicity test

NF X10-702 Smoke test samples were tested under a clear flame and no clear flame conditions, measuring the maximum density of the smoke during the sample (Dm) And maximum visibility in the first four minutes of trials (VOF4) To do the calculations.

The N F X70-100 toxicity test was performed at a temperature of 800℃ to analyze the "hazardous concentrations" of seven toxic gases

Reintegrating data from smoke and toxicity tests gives us the S. I value, F grade according to S. I values to determine
F 0≤5
F 1≤20
F 2≤40
F 3≤80
F 4≤120
F 5>120

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Tel.: +86 25-8658 3475  +86 25 8658 3465
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Email: info@fire-test.com
Wechat: firetesting or 177 1418 9018

 Source:防火网  Addtime:5/31/2024  Hits:112

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