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Home   Rolling Fire testing   Italy Standard UNFER prE10.02.977.3

Italy Standard UNFER prE10.02.977.3

Italy Standard UNFER prE10.02.977.3

Railway and Tramway Vehicles - Guidelines For Fire Protection Of Railway, Tramway And Guided Path Vehicles - Design Criteria - Measures For Fire Restraining - Signaling, Control And Evacuation Systems

Similar to the French Standard, the Italian Standard provides the classification of the material/item by "reaction to fire" and "smoke" (combination of smoke emission and toxicity).


Reaction to fire

For the parameter "reaction to fire" (FI parameters) are provided six categories: Class 0-Class 5Class 0Class 1 Class 2 Class 3Class 4Class 5

Class 0 is evaluated by ISO 1182 "non combustibility test",

Class1 -Class 5 are determined by the combination the above parameters evaluated with two tests:

UNI 8456 --"reaction to fire by applying a small flame on both surfaces" and UNI 9174  "reaction to fire of material attacked by flame with radiant heating",

UNI 8457 --"reaction to fire of material attacked by flame on one surface" and UNI 9174


Smoke parameters

The "smoke" parameter is obtained identically to the French Standard, namely from combination of "smoke emission" and "toxicity index" (F value). The first one is evaluated by NF X 10-702 (Smoke density Chamber) and the second one with NF X 70-100 (toxicity test). There are three acceptable classes from F1 - F3(F1F2F3)

For electrical materials smoke emission and smoke toxicity are separately evaluated with NF X 10-702 and IEC EN 50267 part 1 and 2.

The classification system is done by a "threshold value" for "reaction to fire" and "smoke" for each listed item described in two summary tables in the standard (one for electrical components the second for all other materials/item).


UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramway and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits.

UNI CEI 11170-3 Classification: LR1LR2LR3LR4


Application UNFER prE10.02.977.3 Fire testing materials

Rubber ProductRubber seal

Ceiling Covering

Walling Covering

TextileNon-woven fabrics CurtainCurtainAdumbral Product

Seat shellSeat trim

Flooring CoveringPVC Flooring covering

CableCable tieCable tube

Foam materialSpongeMelamine Foam


FRP composite materialsSMC sheet

Braided hoseHose protection

Windowdoor framework

Small parts

ConnectorConnected equipment

pipecorrugate pipeHeating pipeCooling pipe

Other materials

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 Source:防火网  Addtime:5/31/2024 Hits:3179

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