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Home   Rolling Fire testing   EU Standard EN 45545:2013

EU Standard EN 45545:2013

Fire Testing to Railway Components---EU Standard: CEN/TS EN 45545:2013


1. Standard— CEN/TS EN 45545:2013 Fire Testing to Railway Components

1. Railway applications - Fire protection of railway vehicles-Part 2: Requirement for fire behaviour of materials and components.


2. Standard Brief-- CEN/TS EN 45545:2013 Fire Testing to Railway Components

Railway rolling stock material for fire testing standards, national testing standards and methods are different, the EU launched a program called Firestarr Project to study and establish a set of railway vehicles, materials, flammability, flame spread rate, heat release the amount of smoke emission and toxicity testing.

According to vehicle material end-use and fire risks, will be divided into R1-R26. the 26 different categories.

Fire hazard levels (HL1 to HL4) result from different dwell times and are related to operation and design categories


Design categories

All vehicles are classified due to their design as follows:

-A: automatic vehicles having no emergency trained staff on board;

-D: double decked vehicles;

-S: sleeping and couchette cars;

-N: all other vehicle

These design categories generate fire scenarios which lead to different dwell times.


3. CEN/TS EN 45545:2013 The main fire testing standard

EN ISO 5658-2

Spread of flame

EN ISO 5660-1

Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate

EN ISO 5659-2

Smoke density

EN 45545 Annex C

Smoke toxicity

EN ISO 9239-1

Determination of the burning behaviour using a radiant heat source

EN ISO 4589

Oxygen index

EN 50266

Vertical cable test

ISO 9705

Fire test—full scale room test for surface products

EN 50266-2-4/-5

Vertical bunch cable fire testing

EN 50305 9.1.1

EN 50305 9.1.2

Vertical bunch cable fire testing

EN 60332-1-2

Vertical single cable fire testing

EN 50268-2


NF X 70-100



4. EN 45545 The main concern:

Heat release


The spread of flame

Toxicity and Density of smoke


5. Application CEN/TS EN 45545:2013 Fire testing materials:

Rubber ProductRubber seal

Ceiling Covering

Walling Covering

TextileNon-woven fabrics CurtainCurtainAdumbral Product

Seat shellSeat trim

Flooring CoveringPVC Flooring covering

CableCable tieCable tube

Foam materialSpongeMelamine Foam


FRP composite materialsSMC sheet

Braided hoseHose protection

Windowdoor framework

Small parts

ConnectorConnected equipment

pipecorrugate pipeHeating pipeCooling pipe

Other materials


6. Other standard CEN/TS EN45545  

CEN/TS EN45545-Fire protection of railway vehicles

CEN/TS EN45545-1 Part1: Gerneral

CEN/TS EN45545-2 Part2: Requirements for fire behaviour of materials and components

CEN/TS EN45545-3 Part3: Fire resistance requirement for fire barriers and partitions

CEN/TS EN45545-5 Part5: Fire safety requirements for electrical equipment including that of trolley buses, track guided and magnetic levitation vehicles

CEN/TS EN45545-6 Part 6: Fire control and management system

CEN/TS EN45545-7 Part7: Fire safety requirements for flammable liquid and flammable gas installations

Tel: (+0086) 25-8658 3475  Tel: (+0086) 400-666-7290

 Source:防火网  Addtime:7/29/2010 Hits:3478

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