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Home   France   NF C 32-070:2001 cable test

NF C 32-070:2001 cable test

NF C 32-070:2001 Classification tests on conductors and cables with regard to fire behaviour


NF C 32-070:2001 Insulated conductors and cables for installation-Classification tests on conductors and cables with regard to fire behaviour.


a vertically installed cable or a bundle of cable is exposed to the effects of a radiating over (approx.830) and forced ventilation. Pilot flames arranged above the over burn off the emitted gasses. The test duration is 30 minutes. The cable length is 1600mm, The classification according to destroy area.


Then, they are submitted to the category C1 test of the NF C 32-070. Depending on the results (degraded length), they are classified in four classed A, B, C, D,

 Source:防火网  Addtime:7/28/2010 Hits:8759

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