Rubber seal products apply for European EN45545 / EN45545-2 standard fire and toxicity test
1. The standard - Rail transit vehicle material fire test standard EN45545 / EN45545-2 EN45545-2 railway applications - railway vehicle fire protection - part 2: materials and components of the fire protection requirements.
2. EN45545 / EN45545-2 standard Brief EN45545-2 the latest standard of 2013 edition, the main focus on the combustion performance of materials, thermal properties, such as emission, smoke density and toxicity. EN45545-2 standard according to the material end use, divided into R1 - R26, a total of 26 different categories. Depending on the type of vehicle and the operating environment, EN45545-2-2013 standard could be divided into HL1 fire danger rating, HL2, HL3, a total of three fire risk level.
European EN45545-2 standard will plan to replace BS6853, NFF16-101/102, DIN5510 , UNI CEI 11170-3, prE10.02.977.3, UIC564-2 eu railway vehicles materials such as fire test standards. Sealing strip/rubber sealing strip EN45545_EN45545 R22 / R23 latest test standard
3.High-speed train subway with sealing strip, rubber sealing strip, etc. In order to reduce the possibility of the occurrence of fire, need according to standards EN45545 fire retardant smoke toxicity test, more please consult nanjing farce monitoring companies, 025-8658, 3475.
The European railway on March 8, 2013 formally announced EN45545-2 updated version of the standard. there are some difference between EN45545-2-2009 and EN45545-2-2013 standard
4.Rubber sealing strip EN45545 test items and standards EN45545-2 Railway applications - the Fire protection of Railway vehicles - Part 2: the Requirement for the Fire behaviour of materials and components EN45545-2 railway applications - railway vehicle fire protection - part 2: materials and components of the fire protection requirements. EN ISO 4589-2: the oxygen index test (according to O.I oxygen index value evaluated) EN ISO 5659-2: smoke density test NFX70-100: CIT toxicity testing (according to CIT toxicity index to evaluate) The eu CEN/TS45545-2 standard, according to the operation of the vehicle type and the operating environment, could be divided into HL1 fire danger rating - HL3, the four grades, HL3 fire danger rating the highest. Eu EN45545-2 standard will plan to replace BS6853, NFF16-101,, DIN5510 NFF16-102-2, UNI CEI 11170-3, such as European Union railway vehicles prE10.02.977.3 materials fire test standards.
5. EN45545 / EN45545-2 focuses on the following aspects: The oxygen index test Heat release a quantity to test Toxicity test Smoke density Critical heat radiation test
More EN45545/EN45545-2-2013 fire and toxicity test, please consult Nanjing Smart Company Hotmail: 0086 25 8658 3475 Website: Email: ...