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Home   Regulations   What are the requirements for EN45545-2 of lamp products?

What are the requirements for EN45545-2 of lamp products?

An LED (Light-Emitting Diode) lamp is a lighting device made using the principle of light emission from semiconductor materials. Compared with traditional lighting technologies (such as incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, etc.), LED lamps have higher energy efficiency, longer service life, and better environmental adaptability. With the development of technology and cost reduction, the application scope of LED lamps is becoming increasingly widespread, becoming the mainstream choice in modern lighting. In the field of rail transit, LED lamps typically need to meet the EN45545-2 requirements, which specifically mention the R4 category in EN45545-2, referring to the fire resistance performance requirements for materials such as lampshades, polycarbonate diffusers, and light covers. These materials must undergo flame retardant fire smoke toxicity tests according to the EN45545-2 R4 standard to ensure that in the event of a fire, they can slow down the spread of flames and reduce the generation of toxic smoke, thereby protecting the safety of passengers and vehicles. However, if it is an LED strip, the EN45545-2 R3 requirements need to be considered. Nanjing Smart has been deeply involved in the EN45545-2 testing field for decades and can provide detailed interpretations of relevant tests, with a hotline at +86-25-86583475

The EU standard EN45545-2 is currently the most popular standard for fire smoke and toxicity testing of track vehicle materials, with the latest version being the 2020 edition. EN 45545-2 is divided into 28 tables, R1-R28, based on the final use of the product. For lampshades, testing is generally conducted according to R4 requirements, while for lamp strips, it is recommended to conduct tests and evaluations according to R3 requirements.

EN 45545-2 standard name:
EN 45545-2:2020 Railway application-Fire protection of railway vehicles-Part 2: Requirement for fire behaviors of materials and components
EN 45545-2:2020 Railway Application-Fire Protection of Railway Vehicles-Part II-Fire performance requirements of materials and components

Light cover/lamp shell EN 45545-2 R4 test items and standards
EN ISO 5658-2 for Spread of flame / Flame Spread Test (CFE value)
EN ISO 11925-2 for single-flame source test / Flame spread and dripping
EN 17084 for toxicity test / Toxicity test (CITG)

Light strip EN 45545-2 R3 test items and standards
EN ISO 5658-2 for Spread of flame / Flame Spread Test (CFE value)
EN ISO 5659-2 for smoke density / smoke density test (DS (4) & VOF(4))
EN 17084 for toxicity test / Toxicity test (CITG)

EN 45545-2 R3/R4 sample requirements
800 mm x 155 mm x thickness
250 mm x 90 mm x thickness
76 mm x 76 mm x thickness

EN 45545-2: Related reading for 2020 R3/R4:
EN 45545-2:2020 https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/1156098.html
BS6853:1999       https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/2330994.html
DIN5510-2             https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/2330994.html
NF F16-101/NFF16-102  https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/2331076.html
GB8624-2012       https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/2331046.html
NFPA130:2017    https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/2331009.html
NFPA130:2020     https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/1919228.html

Nanjing Smart Contact Information:
Tel: +86-25-8658 3475
Web: www.fire-test.com
Email: info@fire-test.com
WeChat: 177 1418 9018  or  firetesting

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