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Home   Regulations   Nanjing Smart provides eu NB notice number EN15167CE certification of slag powder

Nanjing Smart provides eu NB notice number EN15167CE certification of slag powder

Nanjing Smart Governor and EN15167CE certification of slag powder

Slag powder is the abbreviation of granulation blast furnace slag powder, is a kind of high quality concrete admixture, by granulation blast furnace slag, drying, grinding, to a considerable fineness and in line with the considerable activity index of powder. Residue powder CE certification which can do? Nanjing Smart provides eu NB notice number EN15167Residue powder CE certification certificate, Nanjing Smart has provided slag powder CE certification services for many domestic steel mills / slag powder manufacturers, to assist them to obtain the slag powder CE certification certificate. Nanjing Smart has the authoritative endorsement of the EU announcement laboratory, as well as the actual CE certification experience of many large domestic steel mills / slag powder factories, to provide customers with one-stop authoritative EN15167CE certification certificate of slag powder, consultation telephone number:025-8658 3475。

EN15167-1 EU CE Certification Standard of slag powder (EU CE certification of blast furnace granulated slag powder)

EN15167-1:2006 Ground granulated blast furnace slag for use in concrete, mortar and grout-Part1: Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria
EN15167-1:2006 Granulated blast furnace slag powder used in concrete, mortar and cement slurry-No1Part: Definition, specification, and eligibility criteria.

EN15167-2:2006 Ground granulated blast furnace slag for use in concrete, mortar and grout-Part2: Conformity evaluation
EN15167-2:2006 Granulated blast furnace slag powder used in concrete, mortar and cement slurry-No2Part: Conformity assessment.

Nanjing Smart for the EU notice Notified Body laboratory authorized cooperative laboratory, specializing in providing EN 15167 Union slag EU CE certification.

EN 15167-1Scope of application for slag powder CE certification

EN 15167-1:2006-This European Standard specifies requirements for the chemical and physical properties as well as quality control procedures for ground granulated blastfurace slag for use as a type II addition in the production of concrete, including in particular cast-in-situ or prefabricated structural concrete conforming to EN206-1, Ground granulated blastfurnace slag conforming to this European Standard may also be used in mortars and grouts.
The European standard requires that physical and chemical properties are not only consistent with quality control procedures for granulated blast furnace slag used for the production of type concrete, but also especially cast-in-place or precast structural concrete complying with EN206-1. Granized blast furnace slag meeting this European standard can also be used for mortar and grouting.

EN 15167-1CE certification mode and mandatory time

CE certification of granated blast furnace slag powder used in concrete, mortar and cement slurry under the guidance of EU building products CPR regulations according to EN15167-1Standard certification system 1+ Test and certification. EN 15167-1 The EU slag powder CE certification must be tested or certified by a qualified EU Bulletin Number Agency (Notified Body) approved by the European Commission. Slag powder CE certification has been obtained in 2008/01/01 began to coordinate, the buffer period of one year, in 2009/01/01 It will be enforced from Sunday.

EN15167-1Relevant standards for CE certification of slag powder

EN 196-1, Methods of testing cement — Part 1: Determination of strength
EN 196-2, Methods of testing cement — Part 2: Chemical analysis of cement
EN 196-3, Methods of testing cement — Part 3: Determination of setting times and soundness
EN 196-6, Methods of testing cement — Part 6: Determination of fineness
EN 196-7, Methods of testing cement — Part 7: Methods of taking and preparing samples of cement
EN 197-1, Cement — Part1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements
EN 15167-2:2006, Ground granulated blast furnace slag for use in concrete, mortar and grout — Part 2: Conformity evaluation

Mineral admixture for concrete EU CE certification

Fly ash for concrete EN 450-1 CE certification:
Slag powder for concrete EN 15167-1 CE certification
Concrete with micro-silicon powder EN 13263-1 CE certification 

Nanjing Smart has the authoritative endorsement of the EU announcement laboratory, as well as the actual CE certification experience of many large domestic steel mills / slag powder factories, to provide customers with one-stop authoritative EN 15167 CE certification certificate of slag powder

Nanjing Smart Company consulting telephone number: +86 25-8658 3475  
Website: www.hksmartps.com     www.cprce.com 
Email address: info@hksmartps.com 
Wechat:  firetesting or 17714189018

 Source:防火网  Addtime:11/28/2024 Hits:123

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