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Home   Rolling Fire testing   BS6853 Fire safety standard_subway interior materials BS6853 Standard Test

BS6853 Fire safety standard_subway interior materials BS6853 Standard Test

CRS manufactured to India subway vehicle, tens of thousands of vehicle parts have passed stringent European standards certified interior materials follow the world's highest fire standards of BS6853. What is the content BS6853 standard ? Nanjing Smart companies to provide you with detailed instructions , Nanjing Smart Company Tel +86 25-86583475 .

BS6853 code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains. Depending on the product 's end use , BS6853 standard will test is divided into 14 tables ( like flooring materials , wall -like material , ceiling -like material , a small regional materials , wire and cable etc. ) . BS6853 test methods for different purposes and different standards :

British BS6853 fireworks drug test items and standards
BS476-6 flame spread index test
BS476-7 Product flame surface extending Level Test Methodology
BS4589-2 oxygen index test
BS4589-3 temperature index test
BS 6853 Annex B Smoke Density Test
BS 6853 Annex D toxicity testing
BS EN 4066/BS 4066-3 wire and cable bundles vertical flame
BS EN 50266-2-4 wire and cable bundles vertical flame test
BS EN 60332-3-24 / BS EN 60332-3-25 wire and cable bundles vertical flame test
DIN EN 50305 section 9.2 Wire and Cable toxicity test -CIT Toxicity index

Nanjing Smart Company Free Phone : +86 25-86583475  +86 400-603-6575
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E-mail : info@firete.com


 Source:防火网  Addtime:10/31/2013 Hits:2079

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