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Home   Rolling Fire testing   NFF16-101 / NF F16-101 standard of corrugated pipes or PA hosepipes fire and toxicity test

NFF16-101 / NF F16-101 standard of corrugated pipes or PA hosepipes fire and toxicity test

1. The standard 
NFF16-101-Railway rolling stock fire behavior choice of material


2. NFF16-101 / NF F16-101 standard Brief
NFF16-101 the latest standard of 1988 edition, the main focus on the combustion performance of materials. Depending on the type of vehicle and the operating environment, NFF16-101 standard could be divided into category A1 rolling stock, A2, B, a total of three types.
corrugated pipes or PA hosepipes NFF16-101 class I and class F latest test classification


3.high-speed train subway with corrugated pipes or PA hosepipes, in order to reduce the possibility of the occurrence of fire, need according to standards NFF16-101 fire retardant smoke toxicity test, more please consult nanjing farce monitoring companies, 025-8658, 3475.


4.NFF16-101 / NF F16-101 test items and standards
NFF16-101-Railway rolling stock fire behavior choice of material

Class I:
EN ISO 4589-2: Plastics-Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index –Part 2: Ambient-temperature test
IEC 60695-2-11: Glawing/hot wire based test methods-Glow-wire flammability test method for end-products.

Class F:
NF X10-702: Fire test methods-Smoke emission-Test of measurement of specific optical density of smoke by the combustion or the pyrolysis of solid materials.
NF X70-100: Fire behaviour tests –Analysis of pyrolysis and combustion gases-Pipe still method.


5. NFF16-101 / NF F16-101 focuses on the following aspects:
The oxygen index test
Glow-wire flammability test
Toxicity test
Smoke density test

More NFF16-101 / NF F16-101 fire and toxicity test, please consult Nanjing Smart Company
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 Source:防火网  Addtime:10/3/2013 Hits:2854

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