ISO 20088-1:2016 Determination of the resistance to cryogenic spillage of insulation materials — Part 1: Liquid phase,Tel: +86 25 86583475 +86 25 86583465
The test described in the procedure in this document is one in which some of the properties of cryogenic spillage protection materials can be determined. This test is designed to give an indication of how cryogenic spillage protection materials will perform in a sudden exposure to cryogenic liquid.
The dimensions of the test specimen can be smaller than typical items of structure and plant and the release of liquid can be substantially less than that which might occur in a credible event. However, individual thermal and mechanical loads imparted to the cryogenic spillage protection materials, from the cryogenic spillage defined in the procedure described in this document, have been shown to be similar to those by large-scale cryogenic spillage.
Further parts of ISO 20088 are planned for future publication:
— Part 1 : Liquid phase;
— Part 2 : Vapour phase;
— Part 3: High pressure jet release.
This document describes a method for determining the resistance of a cryogenic spill protection (CSP) system to a cryogenic jet as a result of a pressurized release which does not result in immersion conditions. It is applicable where CSP systems are installed on carbon steel and will be in contact with cryogenic fluids.
A cryogenic jet can be formed upon release from process equipment operating at pressure (e.g. some liquefaction processes utilize 40 to 60 bar operating pressure). Due to high pressure discharge, the cryogenic spillage protection can be compromised by the large momentum combined with extreme cryogenic temperature.
Although the test uses liquid nitrogen as the cryogenic liquid, the test described in this document is representative of a release of LNG, through a 20 mm orifice or less, at a release pressure of 6 barg or less, based upon simulated parameters 1 m from the release point. Confidence in this test being representative is based upon a comparison of the expected dynamic pressure of the simulated release in comparison with dynamic pressure from releases in accordance with this document.
It is not practical in this test to cover the whole range of cryogenic process conditions found in real plant conditions; in particular the test does not cover high pressure cryogenic jet releases that might be found in refrigeration circuits and in LNG streams immediately post-liquefaction.
Liquid nitrogen is used as the cryogenic medium due to the ability to safely handle the material at the pressures described in this document. The test condition is run at nominally 8 barg pressure.
ISO 20088-1 covers cryogenic release scenarios which can lead to pooling conditions for steel work protected by cryogenic spill protection as a result of a jet release or low pressure release of LNG or liquid nitrogen. ISO 20088-2 covers vapour phase exposure conditions as a result of a jet release or low pressure release of LNG or liquid nitrogen.
2.Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 630-1, Structural steels — Part 1: General technical delivery conditions for hot-rolled products
ISO 845, Cellular plastics and rubbers — Determination of apparent density
ISO 8301, Thermal insulation — Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties — Heat flow meter apparatus
ISO 16903, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Characteristics of LNG, influencing the design, and material selection
ISO 22899-1, Determination of the resistance to jet fires of passive fire protection materials — Part 1: General requirements
EN 10029, Tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass for hot rolled steel plates 3mm thick or above
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Tel: +86 25 86583475 +86 25 86583465