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BS 476-6:1989+A1:2009 fire...
BS 476-7:1997 Classificati...
BS 476-20:1987 fire resist...
BS ISO 4589-2:2006-06
NF P 92-501: M classificat...
NF P 92-503: M classificat...
NF P 92-504: Speed of spre...
ASTM E 662: Smoke density ...
ASTM E 648 Flooring test
ASTM E 162: surface flamma...
Home   Fire Resistance   LPCB


The Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) is the leading international Certification Body in the fields of security and fire protection. LPCB approval is recognised by governments and regulatory authorities across the world, especially in the Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Europe.

The LPCB approval process involves assessment and testing of products to ensure that they meet quality standards set by a team of experts who may be regulators, insurers, designers, manufacturers, installers, engineers and scientists. Approval of products is usually based on testing undertaken by our world-renowned testing laboratories. This approval is maintained by regular audits to ensure that the product continues to meet the approval criteria.

Once we are satisfied that a product, service or company meets the necessary standards, we issue a certificate and list them in the ‘Red Book’ which is available free of charge to specifiers and other users throughout the world

When we first started issuing approvals, they were often based on our own Loss Prevention Standards. Over the years many of these have been incorporated into other British, European and International Standards.

At its simplest, the LPCB approval process uses existing standards as the basis for listing. However, where no standards exist, we can still approve innovative products by drawing on the experience of our scientists and expert groups to devise a suitable assessment regime for the product or service concerned.

 Source:防火网  Addtime:8/17/2010 Hits:3756

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