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Home   Accredited laboratory   LCPP


CNRS-LCPP(Laboratoire de Chimie et Procédés de Polymérisation)

The Laboratory for the Chemistry and Processes of Polymerisation has been part of the research arm of the ESCPE since its beginnings.
As the name suggests, the main focus of the LCPP is to associate research in both the chemistry of polymerisation and polymer reaction engineering (PRE) without sacrificing either of the two! On the contrary, the ultimate objective is to understand and be innovative in “Polymers” by identifying the synergy between the two fields.

Research activities at the LCPP

The focus of the research in our laboratory is to:

Develop innovative means of controlling properties from the molecular level to that of the complex system through the use of new chemistries and new processes.
Strive to ensure that what we learn how to do with chemistry is not lost in the process!
Develop a knowledge base capable of evolving and improving over the long term, and to provide our industrial partners with tools and process that they will need over the course of the next 5-10 years.

 Source:防火网  Addtime:11/30/2010  Hits:5665

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