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首頁   美国   ASTM F1449耐燃烧,耐热,耐电弧性防护服装的养护和维修标准指南

ASTM F1449耐燃烧,耐热,耐电弧性防护服装的养护和维修标准指南

ASTM F1449 Standard Guide for Industrial Laundering of Flame, Thermal, and Arc Resistant Clothing
ASTM F1449 耐燃烧,耐热,耐电弧性防护服装的养护和维修标准指南

This guide identifies the responsibilities of the fiber, fabric, and clothing manufacturers, as well as the processor, the processor’chemical supplier and the end user.
This guide describes the key components involved in a program for the care and maintenance of flame, thermal, and arc resistant clothing.
The guidelines in this standard will provide a processor assistance to develop a processing system that maintains the flame, thermal, and arc resistant characteristics of the clothing during its useful service life.
5.3.1 The development of published formulas for each fabric and level of soiling is difficult at any given point in time due to ongoing continuous improvement of flame, thermal and arc resistant clothing, including new fibers, fabrics, and laundering equipment and procedures.
The guide also provides suggestions as to when flame, thermal, and arc resistant garments should be removed from service.

1. Scope
1.1 This guide provides recommendations for the care and maintenance of clothing that is flame, thermal, and arc resistant.
1.2 These recommendations address the Industrial Laundering process.
Note 1—The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends leaving clothing soiled with hazardous chemicals at work to be laundered by the employer; or if such clothing is washed at home, to launder separately from the family wash.
1.2.1 This guide does not apply to dry cleaning of flame, thermal, and arc resistant clothing. For more information on dry cleaning, follow label instructions or contact your garment supplier.
Note 2—Dry cleaning indicates cleaning by a professional dry cleaner.
1.2.2 This guide does not apply to home laundering of flame, thermal, and arc resistant clothing. For more information on home laundering, follow label instructions or contact your garment supplier.
Note 3—Home laundering indicates laundering in a home laundering machine.
1.3 It is important that potentially flammable contaminants are removed from garments during the wash process. If flammable contaminants are not removed, the flame resistance of the garment will be compromised. (See Note 1.)
Note 4—Effective cleaning and proper maintenance of the protective characteristics of flame, thermal and arc resistant protective clothing should include consideration of the services a professional processor can supply.
1.4 It is important that the processes and materials used to launder flame resistant garments are compatible with the FR materials to ensure that the FR protection of the garment is not compromised during the laundering process.
1.5 It is the responsibility of the end user to determine if their laundering method is the appropriate care and maintenance procedure for their application. (See Appendix X1 and X1.1.)
1.6 This guide does not apply to specialized protective garments such as specialized firefighter turnout gear and proximity firefighter ensembles.
1.7 This guide also identifies inspection criteria that are significant to the performance of flame, thermal, and arc resistant clothing.

2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately)
ASTM Standards
ASTM D123 Terminology Relating to Textiles
F1494 Terminology Relating to Protective Clothing
Other References
Index Terms
Care and handling; Flame-resistant (FR) clothing/materialsMaintenance; Protective clothing; Thermal protective clothing;



 來源:防火網 發布時間:11/22/2013 點擊次數:1329

 上一條: ASTM D7309通过微量燃烧热量测定法测定塑料和其它实心材料燃烧性能的试验方法

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