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首頁   建材   Fire Door & Fire Window Testing CAN/ULC

Fire Door & Fire Window Testing CAN/ULC

Full certification services
UL offers full certification services for fire doors, fire door hardware and fire windows which allows companies to demonstrate compliance with opening protective requirements in the National Building Code of Canada and various provincial building codes.  Larger furnace openings allow clients to maximize the number of doors tested with minimum time and expense. In addition to traditional door and window certification, UL also provides specialized services for oversized or custom products, IMO testing of doors and glazing and other programs such as door hardware testing and bullet resistance.  UL also provides building sciences related testing for thermal performance, severe weather and air or water infiltration.   Once your product is Listed, it will appear in a UL Product Directory online and in our Product Spec tools.  These Directories are referenced annually by hundreds of AHJs, code officials, and architects annually.
Full fire testing capabilities – large and small furnaces available
Field Labeling – inspections and evaluations
Steel door distributors – extensive Labeling capabilities
Building Sciences including thermal testing, air and water infiltration and for severe weather applications
Door hardware testing to UL, ULC and BHMA Test Methods
Test Standards

Fire Doors

CAN/ULC-S104 Fire Tests of Door Assemblies
CAN/ULC-S113 Standard Specification for Wood Core Doors Meeting the Performance Required by CAN/ULC-S104 for Twenty Minute Fire Rated Closure Assemblies
CAN/ULC-S105 Standard Specification for Fire Door Frames Meeting the Performance Required by CAN/ULC-S104
ANSI/UL10C Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Door Assemblies
ANSI/UL10B Fire Tests of Door Assemblies

Fire Windows

CAN4-S106 Standard Method for Fire Tests of Window and Glass Block Assemblies
ANSI/UL9 Fire Tests of Window Assemblies
Surface Burning Characteristics of Interior Finish Materials and Systems
Building products used as interior finish materials are evaluated with respect to CAN/ULC-S102. The tests are conducted in the Steiner Tunnel apparatus. This 25-ft furnace chamber measures flame spread and smoke development. Based on the type of building construction and use, building products may also be tested with respect to other nationally recognized fire test standards. Some of these standards utilize actual building construction such as rooms, open corners or walls. Other small-scale test procedures develop data with respect to the ignition properties of the component materials. Once your product is Listed, it will appear in a ULC Product Directory. These Directories are referenced by hundreds of AHJs, code officials, and architects annually.

Test Standards

Surface Burning Characteristics
CAN/ULC-S102 Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies
CAN/ULC-S102.2 Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring, Floor Covering and Miscellaneous Materials and Assemblies
UL723 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials (ASTM E84/NFPA 255)
CAN/ULC-S127 Standard Corner Wall Method of Test for Flammability Characteristics of Non-Melting Foam Plastic Building Materials
Protective Coverings for Foamed Plastics
CAN/ULC-S124 Evaluation of Protective Coverings for Foamed Plastics
Fire Growth of Insulated Building Panels
CAN/ULC-S138 Standard Method of Test for Fire Growth of Insulated Building Panels in a Full-Scale Room Configuration

Combustibility Properties

CAN/ULC-S114 Standard Method of Test for Determination of Non-Combustibility in Building Materials
ULC-S135 Standard Test Method for the Determination of Combustibility Parameters of Building Materials Using and Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter
Intermediate Scale Multistory Test
CAN/ULC-S134 Fire Test of Exterior Wall Assemblies
Fire Resistant and Fire Stop Products and Systems
CAN/ULC-S101 Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials
UL263 Standard For Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials
CAN/ULC-S115 Standard Method of Fire Tests of Firestop Systems
UL1479 Standard for Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Firestops

Joint Systems

UL2079 Standard for Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems
CAN/ULC-S115 Standard Method of Fire Tests of Firestop System
Roofing Materials
CAN/ULC-S126 Standard Method of Test for Fire Spread Under Roof-Deck Assemblies
CAN/ULC-S107 Method of Fire Testing of Roofing Coverings

CAN/ULC-S102 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/2141161.html
CAN/ULC-S114 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/2142196.html
CAN/ULC-S109 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/2142261.html

更多關於CAN/ULC-S102 and CAN/ULC-S134防火內容,請諮詢南京睿督公司 


電話:+86 25-8658 3475  +86 25-8658 3465
網址:www.fire-test.com   www.firete.com 
郵箱:fanghuo@vip.163.com   info@firete.com
微信號:firetesting  或 177 1418 9018


 來源:防火網 發布時間:3/21/2023 點擊次數:655

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