NFPA 1002 STANDARD FOR FIRE APPARATUS DRIVER/OPERATOR PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS NFPA 1002 消防队车辆驾驶员和器材操作员专业资质 1.1 Scope. This standard identifies the minimum job performance requirements for career and volunteer fire fighters and Fire Brigade members who drive and operate fire apparatus. Protect the public and department personnel by ensuring drivers qualify with NFPA 1002. NFPA 1002 Standard for Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications specifies the job performance requirements for fire fighters who drive and operate fire apparatus, in both emergency and non-emergency situations.
Look to the latest edition for the most up-to-date criteria concerning Fire department emergency vehicle driver Pump operator Aerial operator Tiller operator Wildland apparatus operator Aircraft rescue and fire-fighting apparatus operator Mobile water supply apparatus operator
Changes in the 2009 edition include A rewritten and updated document purpose and scope A new skills maintenance requirement in Chapter 1 Replacement of the term "certification" with the term "qualification" Alternative general requirements for meeting Fire Fighter Level I with various specific requirements of NFPA 1081 Standard for Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications Chapters 5, 6, and 10) Fire departments, government agencies, and first response organizations nationwide can help ensure safe, prompt emergency response by following NFPA 1002. (Softbound, 22 pp., 2009)
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