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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
EN ISO 1182
EN ISO 9239-1
EN 13501-1
首頁   美国   ASTM D763未加工棕土和烧棕土颜料用标准规范

ASTM D763未加工棕土和烧棕土颜料用标准规范

ASTM D763 Standard Specification for Raw and Burnt Umber Pigments
ASTM D763 未加工棕土和烧棕土颜料用标准规范

This specification covers raw and burnt umber pigments. The pigments could be in a dry or paste in oil form. Dry pigments should conform to the composition requirements for iron oxide content, calcium compound content, moisture and other volatile matter content, coarse particle content, and organic color content. Raw umber dry pigments should be in a soft, dry form and made from a hydrated iron oxide permeating a siliceous base and free of admixtures. Burnt umber dry pigments should be produced by raw amber calcination and free of admixtures. Paste in oil pigments should conform to the specified pigment content, nonvolatile vehicle content, moisture by distillation content, and coarse particle and skin content. Both raw and burnt umber paste in oil pigments should be made by thoroughly grinding the pigment with linseed oil with a small amount of wetting or dispersing agents.
This abstract is a brief summary of the referenced standard. It is informational only and not an official part of the standard; the full text of the standard itself must be referred to for its use and application. ASTM does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents of this abstract are accurate, complete or up to date.

1. Scope
1.1 This specification covers the pigments commercially known as raw umber and burnt umber.
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.

2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately)
ASTM Standards
ASTM D50 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Yellow, Orange, Red, and Brown Pigments Containing Iron and Manganese
ASTM D185 Test Methods for Coarse Particles in Pigments
ASTM D280 Test Methods for Hygroscopic Moisture (and Other Matter Volatile Under the Test Conditions) in Pigments
ASTM D387 Test Method for Color and Strength of Chromatic Pigments with a Mechanical Muller
ASTM D1208 Test Methods for Common Properties of Certain Pigments
Index Terms
hydrated; pigment; raw and burnt umber;



 來源:防火網 發布時間:11/25/2013 點擊次數:1219

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