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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
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EN ISO 1182
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首頁   美国   ASTM D6593评定防止使用汽油燃料且在加低温、轻载条件下工作的火花点火内燃机内沉积物形成的汽车发动机油的试验方法

ASTM D6593评定防止使用汽油燃料且在加低温、轻载条件下工作的火花点火内燃机内沉积物形成的汽车发动机油的试验方法

ASTM D6593 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils for Inhibition of Deposit Formation in a Spark-Ignition Internal Combustion Engine Fueled with Gasoline and Operated Under Low-Temperature, Light-Duty Conditions
ASTM D6593评定防止使用汽油燃料且在加低温、轻载条件下工作的火花点火内燃机内沉积物形成的汽车发动机油的试验方法

This test method is used to evaluate an automotive engine oil's control of engine deposits under operating conditions deliberately selected to accelerate deposit formation. This test method was correlated with field service data, determined from side-by-side comparisons of two or more oils in police, taxi fleets, and delivery van services. The same field service oils were then used in developing the operating conditions of this test procedure.
This test method, along with other test methods, defines the minimum performance level of the API Category SL (detailed information about this category is included in Specification D4485). This test method is also incorporated in automobile manufacturers' factory-fill specifications.
The basic engine used in this test method is representative of many that are in modern automobiles. This factor, along with the accelerated operating conditions, should be considered when interpreting test results.

1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers and is commonly referred to as the Sequence VG test, and it has been correlated with vehicles used in stop-and-go service prior to 1996, particularly with regard to sludge and varnish formation. It is one of the test methods required to evaluate oils intended to satisfy the API SL performance category.
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.
1.2.1 Exception—Where there is no direct SI equivalent such as screw threads, national pipe threads/diameters, tubing size, or specified single source equipment.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific hazard statements are given in 7.7,,,, 9.2.6,,,, and Annex A1.
1.4 A Table of Contents follows:

2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately)
ASTM Standards
ASTM D86 Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products at Atmospheric Pressure
ASTM D235 Specification for Mineral Spirits (Petroleum Spirits) (Hydrocarbon Dry Cleaning Solvent)
ASTM D287 Test Method for API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Petroleum Products (Hydrometer Method)
ASTM D323 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Method)
ASTM D381 Test Method for Gum Content in Fuels by Jet Evaporation
ASTM D445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity)
ASTM D525 Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Gasoline (Induction Period Method)
ASTM D873 Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Aviation Fuels (Potential Residue Method)
ASTM D1266 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (Lamp Method)
ASTM D1298 Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), or API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method
ASTM D2622 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
ASTM D2789 Test Method for Hydrocarbon Types in Low Olefinic Gasoline by Mass Spectrometry
ASTM D3237 Test Method for Lead in Gasoline by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
ASTM D3525 Test Method for Gasoline Diluent in Used Gasoline Engine Oils by Gas Chromatography
ASTM D4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
ASTM D4175 Terminology Relating to Petroleum, Petroleum Products, and Lubricants
ASTM D4294 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum and Petroleum Products by Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
ASTM D4485 Specification for Performance of Engine Oils
ASTM D5059 Test Methods for Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectroscopy
ASTM D5185 Test Method for Determination of Additive Elements, Wear Metals, and Contaminants in Used Lubricating Oils and Determination of Selected Elements in Base Oils by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES)
ASTM D5862 Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils in Two-Stroke Cycle Turbo-Supercharged 6V92TA Diesel Engine
ASTM D6304 Test Method for Determination of Water in Petroleum Products, Lubricating Oils, and Additives by Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration
ASTM D7422 Test Method for Evaluation of Diesel Engine Oils in T-12 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Diesel Engine
ASTM G40 Terminology Relating to Wear and Erosion
ANSI Standard
ANSIMC96.1 Temperature Measurement-Thermocouples
Index Terms
lubricating oils; Sequence VG; sludge and varnish; spark-ignition automotive engine; stop-and-go service; Automotive engine fuels/oils; Gasoline; Inhibitors; Light duty engine service; Low-temperature testing--petroleum products/applications; Lubricating oils; Sequence VG test; Sludge; Stop-and-go service;



 來源:防火網 發布時間:11/18/2013 點擊次數:1165

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