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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
EN ISO 1182
EN ISO 9239-1
EN 13501-1
首頁   美国   ASTM D6095挤制交联和热塑半导性导体和绝缘防护材料体电阻率的经度测量标准试验方法

ASTM D6095挤制交联和热塑半导性导体和绝缘防护材料体电阻率的经度测量标准试验方法

1.1 This test method covers the procedure for determining the volume resistivity, measured longitudinally, of extruded crosslinked and thermoplastic semiconducting, conductor and insulation shields for wire and cable.
1.2 Whenever two sets of values are presented, in different units, the values in the first set are the standard, while those in parentheses are for information only.
This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For a specific hazard statement, see .
1.3 In common practice the conductor shield is often referred to as the strand shield.
1.4 Technically, this test method is the measurement of a resistance between two electrodes on a single surface and modifying that value using dimensions of the specimen geometry to calculate a resistivity. However, the geometry of the specimen is such as to support the assumption of a current path primarily throughout the volume of the material between the electrodes, thus justifying the use of the term "longitudinal volume resistivity." ( See )

2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately)
ASTM Standards
ASTM D257 Test Methods for DC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials
ASTM D1711 Terminology Relating to Electrical Insulation
ASTM D4496 Test Method for D-C Resistance or Conductance of Moderately Conductive Materials
Index Terms
conductor shield; conductor shielding material; insulation shield; insulation shielding material; moderately conductive; semiconducting shielding materials; semiconducting shields; volume resistivity of shielding materials;



 來源:防火網 發布時間:11/14/2013 點擊次數:1166

 上一條: ASTM D6069通过氧化燃烧和还原压力化学发光检测法测定航空用碳氢化合物中痕量氮的标准试验方法

 下一條: ASTM D6096 90°C 操作的电线和电缆用聚氯乙烯绝缘的标准规范
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