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首頁   美国   ASTM E970阁楼地板临界辐射通量的测试方法

ASTM E970阁楼地板临界辐射通量的测试方法

ASTM E 970:使用辐射热能源暴露的阁楼地板绝缘的临界辐射通量的测试方法
ASTM E 970:Standard Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Exposed Attic Floor Insulation Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source

ASTM E970标准摘要
This fire-test-response standard is designed to provide a basis for estimating one aspect of the fire exposure behavior to exposed insulation installed on the floors of building attics. The test environment is intended to simulate conditions that have been observed and defined in full-scale attic experiments.The test is intended to be suitable for regulatory statutes, specification acceptance, design purposes, or development and research. The fundamental assumption inherent in the test is that critical radiant flux is one measure of the surface burning characteristics of exposed insulation on floors or between joists of attics.

The test is applicable to attic floor insulation specimens that follow or simulate accepted installation practice.In this procedure, the specimens are subjected to one or more specific sets of laboratory fire test exposure conditions. If different test conditions are substituted or the anticipated end-use conditions are changed, caution should be used to predict changes in the performance characteristics measured by or from this test. Therefore, the results are strictly valid only for the fire test exposure conditions described in this procedure.If the test results obtained by this test method are to be considered in the total assessment of fire hazard in a building structure, then all pertinent established criteria for fire hazard assessment developed by Committee E-5 must be included in the consideration.



 來源:防火網 發布時間:10/31/2013 點擊次數:1432

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