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首頁 美国 ASTM D1654邊界腐蝕等級測試(劃痕等級) |
ASTM D1654邊界腐蝕等級測試(劃痕等級)
ASTM D1654 噴塗件耐腐蝕環境評估—標準名稱
ASTM D1654 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments
ASTM D1654 噴塗件耐腐蝕環境評估,邊界腐蝕等級(劃痕等級)
ASTM D1654 噴塗件耐腐蝕環境評估—適用範圍
This test method covers the treatment of previously painted or coated specimens for accelerated and atmospheric exposure tests and their subsequent evaluation in respect to corrosion, blistering associated with corrosion, loss of adhesion at a scribe mark, or other film failure
美標ASTM D714塗料起泡等級測試 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/4606413.html
防腐蝕塗層附著力的品質是怎樣檢測的呢? 塗層附著力檢測 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/4409853.html
南京睿督解讀:ISO12944塗料防腐蝕等級分類及防腐蝕年限規定 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/2999500.html
ASTM D1654 噴塗件耐腐蝕環境評估—引用文件
ASTM B117 Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
ASTM D610 Practice for Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces
ASTM D714 Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Blistering of Paints
ASTM D822 Practice for Filtered Open-Flame Carbon-Arc Exposures of Paint and Related Coatings
ASTM D870 Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using Water Immersion
ASTM D1014 Practice for Conducting Exterior Exposure Tests of Paints and Coatings on Metal Substrates
ASTM D1735 Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using Water Fog Apparatus
ASTM D2247 Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings in 100 % Relative Humidity
ASTM D2803 Guide for Testing Filiform Corrosion Resistance of Organic Coatings on Metal
ASTM D4141 Practice for Conducting Black Box and Solar Concentrating Exposures of Coatings
ASTM D4585 Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using Controlled Condensation
ASTM D4587 Practice for Fluorescent UV-Condensation Exposures of Paint and Related Coatings
ASTM D5894 Practice for Cyclic Salt Fog/UV Exposure of Painted Metal, (Alternating Exposures in a Fog/Dry Cabinet and a UV/Condensation Cabinet)
ASTM D6695 Practice for Xenon-Arc Exposures of Paint and Related Coatings
ASTM D7087 Test Method for An Imaging Technique to Measure Rust Creepage at Scribe on Coated Test Panels Subjected to Corrosive Environments
ASTM E3 Guide for Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
ASTM G85 Practice for Modified Salt Spray (Fog) Testing
ASTM G87 Practice for Conducting Moist SO 2 Tests
電話:+86 25-8658 3475 +86 25-8658 3465
網址:www.fire-test.com www.firete.com
郵箱:fanghuo@vip.163.com info@firete.com
微信號:firetesting 或 177 1418 9018
來源:防火網 發布時間:2/22/2023 點擊次數:437
ASTM E96 材料水蒸氣滲透性測試找南京睿督
集裝箱塗料IICL檢測認證標準/ 集裝箱塗料KTA認證 |