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首頁 美国 ASTM D610油漆鋼表面銹蝕程度的標準 |
ASTM D610油漆鋼表面銹蝕程度的標準
ASTM D610油漆鋼表面銹蝕程度的標準—標準名稱
ASTM D610 Standard Practice for Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces
ASTM D610 評定油漆鋼表面銹蝕程度的標準實施規程
SSPC-VIS 2/ASTM D610塗漆鋼材表面上銹蝕等級評估的標準方法。
ASTM D610評定油漆鋼表面銹蝕程度的標準實施規程—重要性和使用
ASTM D610油漆鋼表面銹蝕程度的標準—適用範圍
This practice covers the evaluation of the degree of rusting on painted steel surfaces. The visual examples which depict the percentage of rusting given in the written specifications form part of the standard . In the event of a dispute, the written definition prevails. These visual examples were developed in cooperation with SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings to further standardization of methods. The photo graphs can be used to estimate the percentage of other coating defects on various substrates. This standard does not include evaluation of rust propagation around an initially prepared scribe, score, or holiday.
美標ASTM D714塗料起泡等級測試 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/4606413.html
防腐蝕塗層附著力的品質是怎樣檢測的呢? 塗層附著力檢測 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/4409853.html
南京睿督解讀:ISO12944塗料防腐蝕等級分類及防腐蝕年限規定 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/2999500.html
電話:+86 25-8658 3475 +86 25-8658 3465
網址:www.fire-test.com www.firete.com
郵箱:fanghuo@vip.163.com info@firete.com
微信號:firetesting 或 177 1418 9018
來源:防火網 發布時間:2/23/2023 點擊次數:477
ASTM C518穩態熱傳導性能測試/導熱係數檢測
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