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首頁   美国   ASTM E595熱真空釋氣測試Outgassing testing

ASTM E595熱真空釋氣測試Outgassing testing

ASTM E595航空航太空間環境模擬試驗艙釋氣測試

ASTM E595標準航太材料地面空間環境模擬試驗艙除氣測試Outgassing testing,ASTM E595為航空航太和5G等特殊場所應用材料的除氣性能測試,航天器任何一處微小的放氣和漏氣,都會產生一個附加的加速度,改變航天器的運行軌道和姿態,因此符合美標ASTM E595能夠減少對敏感環境的影響力。南京睿督公司已協助眾多企業順利申請ASTM E595熱真空釋氣測試。南京睿督公司免費諮詢電話:+86 25-8658 3475

隨著航空航太及5G應用的迅猛發展,特殊的空間環境對電子元器件的釋放特性(出氣)也提出了特別嚴格的要求。在空間真空環境下,材料放氣Outgassing test 和結構放氣是一種常見的現象,它對航天器和5G機站的正常穩定運行具有很大的影響。美標ASTME595是常用放氣標準之一,ASTM E595標準要求總品質虧損(TML)≤1%和揮發物質冷凝量(CVCM)≤0.1%。

ASTM E595熱真空釋氣測試

ASTM E595 在真空環境中除氣作用引起的總品質損失和揮發物質冷凝量的測試方法
ASTM E595 Standard Test Method for Total Mass Loss and Collected Volatile Condensable Materials from Outgassing in a Vacuum Environment

ASTM E595熱真空釋氣測試-測試方法

ASTM E595除氣測試方法包含使用篩選技術來確定的材料在真空狀態下的揮發性。需要測試兩個參數:總品質虧損(TML)和揮發物質冷凝量(CVCM)。另一個參數水汽量(WVR), 也可以在完成對TML和CVCM的測試後獲得。

ASTM E595 outgassing test, This test method covers a screening technique to determine volatile content of materials when exposed to a vacuum environment. Two parameters are measured: total mass loss (TML) and collected volatile condensable materials (CVCM). An additional parameter, the amount of water vapor regained (WVR), can also be obtained after completion of exposures and measurements required for TML and CVCM

ASTM E595熱真空釋氣測試-測試範圍


Many types of organic, polymeric, and inorganic materials can be tested by ASTM E595 outgassing test. These include polymer potting compounds, foams, elastomers, films, tapes, insulations, shrink tubings, adhesives, coatings, fabrics, tie cords, and lubricants. The materials may be tested in the “as-received” condition or prepared for test by various curing specifications.

ASTM E595熱真空釋氣測試-測試專案和要求:

TML (total mass loss)總品質虧損,要求≤1%
CVCM (collected volatile condensable materials)揮發物質冷凝量, 要求≤0.1%
WVR (the amount of water vapor regained)水汽量


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 來源:防火網 發布時間:1/16/2023 點擊次數:659

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