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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
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首頁   欧盟   ISO 13387-4防火安全工程-第4部分 火焰的产生和发展

ISO 13387-4防火安全工程-第4部分 火焰的产生和发展

ISO 13387-4: 防火安全工程-第4部分:火焰的产生和发展
ISO 13387-4: Fire safety engineering -- Part 4: Initiation and development of fire and generation of fire effluents

ISO 13387-4摘要
This part of ISO/TR 13387 is intended to provide guidance to designers, regulators and fire safety professionals on the use of engineering methods for the prediction of the initiation of fire, the generation of fire effluents and the development of fire inside the room of origin. It is not intended as a detailed design guide, but could be used as the basis for the development of such a guide.

This part of ISO/TR 13387 provides a framework for critically reviewing the suitability of an engineering method for assessing the potential for the initiation and development of fire and the generation of fire effluents. It also provides guidance on the means to assess the effectiveness of fire safety measures meant to reduce the probability of ignition, to control fire development and to reduce the accumulation of heat, smoke and toxic products or products causing non-thermal damage. The methods for calculating the effects of design fires for use in the design and assessment of fire safety of a building are also addressed.



 來源:防火網 發布時間:12/30/2013 點擊次數:1594

 上一條: ISO 13344燃烧产物毒性测定

 下一條: ISO 13784-1:2002: 夹芯建筑系统防火测试-第1部分:小型室箱测试方法
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