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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
EN ISO 1182
EN ISO 9239-1
EN 13501-1
首頁   欧盟   EU 欧盟防火阻燃标准

EU 欧盟防火阻燃标准

ABD 0031 Airbus Fireworthiness Requirements:Generation of smoke and toxic gases   
ABD 0031空客飞机标准:燃烧烟雾和气体毒性要求

ABD 0031 类似标准
ASTM E662: smoke density test
BS 6853 Annex B.2 : Area based test method
NFPA 258: Smoke generation of solid materials
NF X 10-702
BS 6401

CEN/TS 45545-2 Railway application –Fire protection of railway vehicles-part 2 : requirements for fire behaviour of materials and components. 轨道车辆的防火保护—材料的燃烧行业及组成材.
EN ISO 4589-2
ISO 5658-2
ISO 5659-2
ISO 5660-1
EN ISO 9239-1
EN ISO 11925-2
CEN/TS 45545-2 Annex C

EN 1021  Furniture. Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture. 软体家具燃烧性能测试.
EN 1021-1 Smouldering cigarette
EN 1021-2 small flame test

EN13823 建筑制品对火反应试验-不含铺地材料的建筑制品单体燃烧试验(欧洲分级标准)   
EN13823 Reaction to fire tests for building products ― Building products excluding floorings exposed to the thermal attack by a single burning item.

EN 32952  Furniture. Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture. 软体家具燃烧性能测试.
EN 32952-1& EN 32952-2 Cigarette test 香烟测试法
EN 32952-3& EN 32952-4 Flame test 火焰测试方法
EN 32952 类似标准
EN 1021-1 Smouldering cigarette
EN 1021-2 small flame test
EN 50267-2-2 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables-Part 2-2procedures-Determination of degree of acidity of gases for materials by measuring PH and conductivity. 电线电缆燃烧时产生的气体的试验程序,测量PH值腐蚀性.
EN 50267-2-2 类似标准 DIN 4102 annex A smouldering combustibility

EN 6050 A2.4标准类似UL94 HB(horizontal)

EN ISO 1182 Non-combustibility test 不燃性测试
EN ISO 1182类似标准
GB 3464-85
UNE 23-102
NT Fire 001
NEN 6064
JIS A 1321 Incombustibility test
DS 1056
BS476 part 4 & part 11
AS 1530 Part 1

EN ISO 11925-2 Reaction to fire tests for building products- Part 2 : ignitability when subjected to direct impingement of flame. 建筑材料可燃性试验方法

EN ISO 9239-1 Rection to fire tests for flooring –Part 1 : determination of the burning behaviour using a radiant source (ISO 9239-1)
EN ISO 9239-1类似标准
ASTM E648 / NEN 1775 / DIN5510-2 SF1-SF3 / DIN 4102-14

Directive 95/28/EC Testing of the burning behaviour of materials used in the interior construction of motor vehicles.

Directive 95/28/EC Annex Ⅳ: Horizontal burning rate, 类似标准 FMVSS302 / JIS D 1201/ ISO 3795 / DIN 75200 / BS AU 169

Directive 95/28/EC Annex Ⅴ: Dripping test , 类似标准 NF P 92-505, UNE 23-725, U.T.A.C St 18-502/12.2 Dripping test.

Directive 95/28/EC Annex Ⅵ: Vertical burning rate , 类似标准 DIN 4102 B2/B3 Small burner / DIN 53438 / GB 8626/ DIN 5510-2 S1 acc. DIN 53438 (small parts)

Directive 97/24/EC Annex 1: Horizontal burning rate , 类似标准 UL 94 HB(Horizontal)



 來源:防火網 發布時間:9/5/2011 點擊次數:3773

 上一條: Denmark 丹麦防火阻燃测试标准

 下一條: Netherland 荷兰防火测试标准
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