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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
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首頁   欧盟   EN ISO 5659-2 Smoke density test/EN45545-2

EN ISO 5659-2 Smoke density test/EN45545-2

EN ISO 5659-2 Plastics-Smoke generation-Part 2: Determination of optical density by a single-chamber test. EN45545-2 standard reference EN ISO 5659-2 standard for smoke density test. Tel: +0086 25 8658 3475.

EN45545-2 Smoke density test method has four kinds, as follows:

EN45545-2 T10.01/ EN ISO 5659-2: Heat flux 50KW/M2 without pilot flame. Test duration is 10 min. Ds(4) is the optical density in the test chamber 4min into the test multiplied by a factor which depends on the instrument and on the specimen size.

EN45545-2 T10.02 EN ISO 5659-2: Heat flux 50KW/M2 without pilot flame. Test duration is 10 min. VOF4 is the cumulative value of specific optical densities in the first 4 min of the test.

EN45545-2 T10.03 EN ISO 5659-2: Ds max is the maximum optical density in the test chamber. Test duration is 10min. heat flux 25KW/M2 with pilot flame.

EN45545-2 T10.04 EN ISO 5659-2: Ds max is the maximum optical density in the test chamber. Test duration is 10min. heat flux 50KW/M2 without pilot flame.

EN ISO 5659-2 Standard also for Toxicity testing. Gas analysis in the smoke chamber EN ISO 5659-2 using FTIR technique.(EN 45545-2:2013+A1:2015 Annex C).

Other Standard

EN45545-Fire protection of railway vehicles
EN45545-1 Part1: Gerneral
EN45545-2 Part2: Requirements for fire behaviour of materials and components
EN45545-3 Part3: Fire resistance requirement for fire barriers and partitions
EN45545-5 Part5: Fire safety requirements for electrical equipment including that of trolley buses, track guided and magnetic levitation vehicles
EN45545-6 Part 6: Fire control and management system
EN45545-7 Part7: Fire safety requirements for flammable liquid and flammable gas installations
Tel : (+0086) 25 8658 3475   (+0086) 400 603 6575
web :  www.fire-test.com
Email : info@fire-test.com


 來源:防火網 發布時間:9/8/2016 點擊次數:1442

 上一條: 欧盟最新标准EN 45545-2:2013+A1:2015轨道车辆材料防火烟毒检测

 下一條: EN45545-2 T17 / EN60695-11-10水平垂直燃烧测试
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