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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
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NF P 92-501
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EN 13501-1
首頁   英国   封堵材料EN1366-3耐火測試及CE Marking/英國UKCA認證

封堵材料EN1366-3耐火測試及CE Marking/英國UKCA認證

封堵材料EN1366-3耐火測試及CE Marking
防火封堵材料Firestop material需要符合英國及歐盟標準BS EN 1366-3的耐火測試要求,南京睿督公司提供英國UKAS資質Warringtonfire實驗室所出具的Collar及Wrap型號的EN1366-3耐火測試報告,(90min,120min,150min,240min)以及封堵材料CE Marking(歐盟CE認證)及英國UKCA認證。諮詢電話:+86 25-86583475

EN 1366-3耐火測試標準名稱
EN 1366-3: Fire resistance tests for service installations- Part 3: Penetration seals.
EN 1366-3: 服務設施耐火測試-第3部分:穿透性密封件

EN 1366-3耐火測試方法
EN 1366-3耐火測試性能評定
失去完整性:當棉墊被點燃或者背火面燃燒達10秒鐘以上時,被認為試件失去完整性;測試過程中,6mm直徑的探棒可穿過裂縫進入爐內且探棒可沿裂縫長度方向不小於150mm; 直徑25mm的探棒可穿過裂縫進入爐內時,則被認為試件失去完整性。
失去隔熱性: 試件背火面的平均溫升超過試件表面初始平均溫度140℃或者背火面在任何一點的溫升超過該點初始溫度180℃時,則被認為試件失去隔熱性。

EN 1366-3服務設施耐火測試-標準名稱:
EN 1366-1: Fire resistance tests for service installations- Part 1: Ducts
EN 1366-1: 服務設施耐火測試-第1部分:管道

EN 1366-2: Fire resistance tests for service installations- Part 2: Fire dampers
EN 1366-2: 服務設施耐火測試-第2部分:防火閥

EN 1366-3: Fire resistance tests for service installations- Part 3: Penetration seals.
EN 1366-3: 服務設施耐火測試-第3部分:穿透性密封件
EN 1366-4: Fire resistance tests for service installations- Part 4: Linear joint seals.
EN 1366-4: 服務設施耐燃測試-第4部分:線性密封件
EN 1366-5: Fire resistance tests for service installations- Part 5: Service ducts and shafts.
EN 1366-5: 服務設施耐燃測試 - 第5部分:服務管道和豎井
EN 1366-6: Fire resistance tests for service installations- Part 6: Raised access and hollow core floors.
EN 1366-6: 服務設施耐燃測試 - 第6部分:高架地板和中空地板
EN 1366-7: Fire resistance tests for service installations- Part 7: Conveyor systems and trackbound transportation systems (in course of preparation)
EN 1366-8: Fire resistance tests for service installations- Part 8: Smoke extraction ducts
EN 1366-9: Fire resistance tests for service installations- Part 9: Single compartment smoke extraction ducts (in course of preparation).
EN 1366-10: Fire resistance tests for service installations- Part 9: Smoke control dampers  (in course of preparation)

CE Marking for Fire Collars, Wraps and Sleeves
Why our Fire Collars, Wraps and Sleeves are CE Marked?
Under The Construction Products Regulation (CPR) In July 2013 it became a legal requirement for many life safety products to be CE Marked.

To comply, products must be fixed with a CE Mark after undergoing extensive independent third party testing. Quelfire QWR Fire Collars, QWW Intuwraps and QRS Fire Sleeves have been fire tested to BS EN 1366-3: 2009 at Exova Warringtonfire and under gone durability testing. In addition continuous factory production controls and external auditing by Warrington Certification are undertaken.

This law applies to any construction product covered by a harmonised European standard (hEN). Any product which falls under a hEN but is not CE Marked can no longer be supplied or installed in the UK or the rest of Europe.

更多關於封堵材料EN1366-3耐火測試及CE Marking,請諮詢南京睿督公司


電話:+86 25-8658 3475  +86 25-8658 3465
網址:www.fire-test.com   www.firete.com 
郵箱:fanghuo@vip.163.com   info@firete.com
微信號:firetesting  或 177 1418 9018


 來源:防火網 發布時間:2/13/2023 點擊次數:557

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