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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
EN ISO 1182
EN ISO 9239-1
EN 13501-1
首頁   英国   Warringtonfire英國UKCA認證機構/建材歐盟CE認證



英國Warringtonfire威靈頓實驗室擁有多種資質,除了為英國UKCA認證機構外,英國UKAS資質實驗室,也是歐盟公告號Notified Body實驗室。EXOVA實驗室還是IMO標準指令編寫機構,IMO船級社認可工廠審核和測試實驗室,美國海岸警衛隊認可實驗室。由Warringtonfire實驗室進行測試並出具測試報告和證書,在整個軌道車輛、建材、IMO船舶等的業界人員都得到非常高的認可,確保工廠和貿易商的產品進行測試的資料的真實性和權威性。網址www.fire-test.cn 諮詢電話:+86 25-86583475

我司(南京睿督公司)為英國威靈頓實驗室(英文名稱: Warringtonfire)在中國地區的授權合作機構。睿督致力於軌道車輛、建材、IMO船舶合規測試認證,已經為眾多工廠的材料在英國Warringtonfire實驗室申請過BS標準的測試,IMO船舶認證、建築產品防火測試等。諮詢電話:+86 25-8658 3475。


Construction Products Regulation 2011 (retained EU law EUR 305/2011) as amended by the Construction Products (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 and the Construction Products (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020.

96/577/EC Fire alarm/detection, fixed fire-fighting, fire and smoke control and explosion suppression products (1/1): - Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems-kits (fire safety).
EN 12101-2:2003 消防排煙排熱系統英國UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 12101-7:2011 煙道型材UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 15650:2010 通風/防火閥UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 12101-1:2005消防排煙排熱系統UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 12101-1:2005/A1:2006消防排煙排熱系統英國UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

96/580/EC Curtain wallings (1/1): - Curtain wall kits (as external walls subject to reaction to fire requirements).
EN 13830:2003 幕牆UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

97/176/EC Structural timber products (1/3): - Solid structural timber products (bridges, railtracks and buildings).
EN 14374:2004 LVL層積板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

97/176/EC Structural timber products (1/3): - Solid structural timber products; Kits
EN 14250:2010 金屬緊固件UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

97/462/EC Wood-based panels (1/2)
EN 13986:2004 膠合板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

97/740/EC Masonry and related products (3/3)
EN 15824:2009 有機粘結劑UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

97/808/EC Floorings (2/2): - Resilient and textile
EN 14041:2004 地板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14041:2004/AC:2006地板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14904:2006 運動地板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

97/808/EC Floorings (2/2): - Floor screed materials (for internal uses).
EN 13454-1:2004硫酸鈣粘合劑CE認證  南京睿督+86 25-86583475
EN 13813:2002 找平層材料和瀝青地面UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

98/436/EC Roof coverings, rooflights, roof windows and ancillary products (2/6)
EN 14963:2006 屋頂天窗UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 1873:2005 屋頂用預製材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14509:2006 金屬夾芯板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14509:2006/AC:2008金屬夾芯板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

98/437/EC Internal and external wall and ceiling finishes (3/5) : -Suspended ceilings (kits) (as internal or external finishes in ceilings subject to reaction to fire regulations).
EN 13964:2004 吊頂天花板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13964:2004/A1:2006吊頂天花板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

98/437/EC Internal and external wall and ceiling finishes (3/5) : - Coverings in roll form (as internal finishes in walls or ceilings subject to reaction to fire regulations).
EN 14716:2004 拉伸頂棚UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 15102:2007+A1:2011 壁紙UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

98/437/EC Internal and external wall and ceiling finishes (3/5) : - Panels
EN 15102:2007+A1:2011壁紙UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 438-7:2005 層壓板材UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

98/437/EC Internal and external wall and ceiling finishes (3/5) : - Sidings
EN 13245-2:2008 PVC-U型材UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13245-2:2008/AC:2009 PVC-U型材UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

99/90/EC Membranes (2/3): - Damp proofing sheets (for uses subject to reaction to fire regulations).
EN 13967:2004 防水柔性板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13967:2004/A1:2006防水柔性板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證 南京睿督+86 25-86583475
EN 13967:2012 防水柔性板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13969:2004防水柔性板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13969:2004/A1:2006防水柔性板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

99/90/EC Membranes (2/3): - Roof underlays (for uses subject to reaction to fire regulations).
EN 13859-1:2010 防水材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

99/90/EC Membranes (2/3): - Roof sheets (for uses subject to reaction to fire regulations).
EN 13707:2004+A2:2009
EN 13956:2005 防水卷材UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13956:2005/AC:2006防水卷材UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13956:2012防水卷材UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

99/90/EC Membranes (2/3) :- water vapour control layers
EN 13859-1:2010防水卷材UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證 南京睿督+86 25-86583475
EN 13859-2:2010防水卷材UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13970:2004防水卷材UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13970:2004/A1:2006防水卷材UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

2000/367/EC Solid wood panelling and cladding - Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking
EN 14915:2013實木鑲板和覆層UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

99/93/EC Doors, windows, shutters, blinds, gates and related building hardware (1/1) : - Building hardware related to doors, gates and windows (fire/smoke compartmentation and on escape routes).
EN 1125:2008 建築五金件UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證  南京睿督www.fire-test.cn
EN 1154:1996/A1:2002建築五金件UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN1155:1996/A1:2002/AC:2006 門窗及建築五金件UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 1155:1997/A1:2002門窗及建築五金件UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 1158:1997/A1:2002門窗及建築五金件UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 12209:2003 機械鎖UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 12209:2003/AC:2005鎖具UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 179:2008 鎖體UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 1935:2002 門窗鉸鏈UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證 南京睿督www.fire-test.cn
EN 1935:2002/AC:2003門窗鉸鏈UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14846: 2008 建築五金件UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14351-1:2006+A1:2010 門窗UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證(南京睿督+86 25-86583475 www.hksmartps.com)

99/93/EC Doors, windows, shutters, blinds, gates and related building hardware (1/1) : -
EN 14351-1:2006+A1:2010門窗UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

99/469/EC Products related to concrete, mortar and grout (2/2) : - Concrete protection and repair products (for uses subject to reaction to fire regulations).
EN 1504-2:2004混凝土表面保護系統UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 1504-3:2005混凝土表面保護系統UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 1504-4:2004混凝土表面保護系統UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

2010/C71/03 Gypsum boards with fibrous reinforcement - Definitions, requirements and test methods - Part 1: Gypsum boards with mat reinforcement & Part 2 Gypsum fibre boards
EN 15283-1:2008+A1:2009 帶纖維增強的石膏板UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

EU 2019/896 + 98/213/EC Internal partition kits (1/5)
EAD 210005-00-0505內部隔斷材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

99/91/EC Thermal insulating products (2/2) : - Thermal insulating products (factory-made products and products intended to be formed in-situ) (for uses subject to regulations on reaction to fire).
EN 13162:2012+A1:2015玻璃棉/岩棉UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13163:2012+A1:2015建築保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13164:2012建築保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證 南京睿督 +86 25-86583475
EN 13165:2012建築保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13166:2012建築保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13167:2012建築保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13168:2012建築保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13169:2012建築保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13170:2012建築保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13171:2012建築保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14064-1:2010建築保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14303:2009+A1:2013 設備裝置用保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14304:2009+A1:2013 橡塑保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14305:2009+A1:2013設備裝置用保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14306:2009+A1:2013設備裝置用保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14307:2009+A1:2013設備裝置用保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14308:2009+A1:2013設備裝置用保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14309:2009+A1:2013設備裝置用保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14313:2009+A1:2013設備裝置用保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14314:2009+A1:2013設備裝置用保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14316-1:2004+A1:2013設備裝置用保溫材料UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14317-1:2004 絕緣產品UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14933:2007發泡聚苯乙烯(EPS) UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14934:2007擠塑聚苯乙烯泡沫(XPS) UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

2000/245/EC Flat glass, profiled glass and glass-block products (1/6) :
EN 12150-2:2004 建築鋼化玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 1279-5:2005+A2:2010 建築中空玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 572-9:2004 鈉鈣矽玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

2000/245/EC Flat glass, profiled glass and glass-block products (1/6) :
EN 1096-4:2004 塗層玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 12150-2:2004 建築鋼化玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 12337-2:2004建築化學增強玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 13024-2:2004 建築安全玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14178-2:2004堿土矽酸鹽玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14179-2:2005玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14321-2:2005玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14449:2005 夾層玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 14449:2005/AC:2005夾層玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證 (南京睿督 www.hksmartps.com)
EN 1748-1-2:2004建築玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 1748-2-2:2004建築玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 1863-2:2004建築玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EN 572-9:2004建築玻璃UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

EU 2017/C 118/04 + 97/556/EC External thermal insulation composite systems/ kits with rendering (ETICS) (1/1)
EAD 040089-00-0404 UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

EU 2018/C 19/04 + 97/556/EC External thermal insulation composite systems/ kits with rendering (ETICS) (1/1)
EAD 040287-00-0404 UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

EU 2019/450 + 97/556/EC External thermal insulation composite systems/ kits with rendering (ETICS) (1/1)
EAD 040427-00-0404 UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

EU 2017/C 118/04 + 97/556/EC External thermal insulation composite systems/ kits with rendering (ETICS) (1/1)
EAD 040089-00-0404

EU 2018/C 19/04 + 97/556/EC External thermal insulation composite systems/ kits with rendering (ETICS) (1/1)
EAD 040287-00-0404 UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

EU 2019/450 + 97/556/EC External thermal insulation composite systems/ kits with rendering (ETICS) (1/1)
EAD 040427-00-0404 UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

2017/C 435/07 + 99/454/EC
Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protection products (1/2) :-Fire stopping, fire sealing
EAD 350140-00-1106 (2017) UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EAD 350142-00-1106 (2017) UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EAD 350141-00-1106 (2017) UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EAD 350454-00-1104 (2017) UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

2017/C 435/07 + 99/454/EC
Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protective products (2/2) :- fire protective products
EAD 350141-00-1106 (2017) UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EAD 350454-00-1104 (2017) UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證
EAD 350402-00-1106 (2017) UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

2015/C 226/04 Pedestrian doorsets, industrial,commercial, garage doors and openable windows Product standard, performance characteristics — Fire resisting and/or smoke control characteristics
EN 16034:2014 防火門UKCA認證/歐盟CE認證

Annex IV –Product Areas
35 Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protective products,

什麼是UKCA標誌?如何正確使用英國UKCA標誌  http://www.fire-test.com/newscenter/regulation/13235.html
什麼是UKCA認證?什麼時候必須申請UKCA認證?什麼產品必須要UKCA認證? http://www.fire-test.com/newscenter/regulation/13658.html
歐盟NB公告號機構CE認證實驗室怎麼查詢? http://www.fire-test.com/newscenter/regulation/13651.html
【英國脫歐】產品出口標誌UKCA認證及UKNI詳解 http://www.fire-test.com/newscenter/regulation/13653.html



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 來源:防火網 發布時間:2/13/2023 點擊次數:581

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