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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
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首頁   建筑防火阻燃   AS/NZS 1530.1 Combustibility Test for Materials - NATA Accreditation testing

AS/NZS 1530.1 Combustibility Test for Materials - NATA Accreditation testing

NATA accreditation to “AS 1530 Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures, Part 1: Combustibility test for materials.”Nanjing SMART Provides NATA-AS1530.1, AS1530.2, AS1530.3, AS1530.4, Tel: +86 2586583475

The National Construction Code (NCC), Part C1.9 specifies several instances for which non-combustibility is required and defines non-combustible as quoted below. 
“Non-combustible” means
(a) applied to a material - not deemed combustible as determined by AS 1530.1 - Combustibility Tests for Materials; and 
(b) applied to construction or part of a building - constructed wholly of materials that are not deemed combustible.” 

The AS 1530.1 is a small scale test needing 5 test specimens that each measure 50mm, +- 3mm in height with a diameter of 45mm, +0, -2mm.

Combustibility is determined by failure in any one of three conditions:
(a) Any duration of sustained flaming greater than 0 seconds
(b) The increase in the mean temperature of the furnace by 50°C; or
(c) The increase in mean temperature of the outer surface of the test specimen by 50°C.

AS/NZS 1530 Methods for fire tests on building materials,components and structures
AS/NZS 1530.1 Combustibility test for materials
AS/NZS 1530.2 Test for flammability of materials
AS/NZS 1530.3 Simultaneous Determination of Ignitability,Flame Propagation. Heat Release and Smoke Release
AS/NZS 1530.4 Fire-resistance test of elements of construction

Contact Us:

If you would like further information or pricing on AS 1530.1 Combustibility Testing for Materials - please contact us at: 

Tel: (+86) 25 86583475     (+86) 25 86583465
Web: http://www.fire-test.com    http://www.firete.com
Email: info@fire-test.com            fanghuo@vip.163.com
WeChat:firetesting  或 177 1418 9018

 來源:防火網 發布時間:4/26/2023 點擊次數:257

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