主要阻燃防火認證標準 |
火車船舶汽車建材 |
首頁 建筑防火阻燃 ISO 13785-1中建築立面防火測試 |
ISO 13785-1中建築立面防火測試
ISO 13785-1中尺寸防火測試標準
ISO 13785-1 Reaction-to-fire tests for facades - Part 1: Intermediate-scale tests
ISO 13785-1 建築物的正面對火反應的試驗,第1部分:中間尺寸的試驗
ISO 13785-2 Reaction-to-fire tests for facades - Part 2: Large-scale tests
ISO 13785-2 建築物的正面對火反應的試驗,第2部分:大尺寸的試驗
This part of ISO 13785 specifies a screening method for determining the reaction to fire performance of products and construction of facades or claddings when exposed to heat from a simulated external fire with flames impinging directly upon a fa?ade. It is intended for use by producers to reduce the burden of testing in Part 2 of ISO 13782 by eliminating those systems that fail the tests described in this part of ISO 13785.
This test method is applicable only to facades and claddings that are not free standing and that are used as an addition to an existing external wall.
This test method also is only applicable to vertical elements and is not applicable to determining the structural strength of the fa?ade or cladding.
南京睿督分享各國建築立面外牆幕牆防火測試標準對比BS 8414-1(英國)、BS 8414-2(英國)、GB/T 29416(中國)、ISO 13785-1、ISO 13785-2、NFPA 285(美國)和 JIS A 1310(日本)。南京睿督協助國內鋁複合板廠家成功通過美標NFPA 285耐火窗洞口燃燒測試,具體請諮詢+86 25-86583475。
南京睿督協助國內鋁複合板廠家成功通過美標NFPA 285耐火窗洞口燃燒測試,具體請諮詢+86 25-86583475。幕牆產品的防火性能測試根目錄據美標NFPA285進行測試。NFPA285測試主要參數為:
1. 起火樓層以上兩個房間的著火情況,尤其是第三層;
2. 起火房間沿以上2.5m和5m處的溫度是否超過500度
3. 是否造成外牆面的大面積垮塌;
4. 對相鄰建築物的影響(通過溫度觀察);
5. 起火房間、其他樓層房間、牆面、窗沿等處的溫度變化情況。
更多關於BS8414-1 ,GBT29416 , ISO13785-2 ,NFPA285 ,JIS A1310各國外牆幕牆防火測試標準對比,請諮詢南京睿督公司
電話:+86 25-8658 3475 +86 25-8658 3465
網址:www.fire-test.com www.firete.com
郵箱:fanghuo@vip.163.com info@firete.com
微信號:firetesting 或 177 1418 9018
來源:防火網 發布時間:3/21/2023 點擊次數:248
EN ISO 1716制樣/建材熱值測試的樣品研磨
高速公路防護擋板EN 1317-5認證找南京睿督 |