AS/NZS 1530.3標準是澳大利亞國家標準委員會發佈的與建築材料防火性有關的標準。AS1530.3適用範圍包括牆板,屋頂和地板等建築材料的防火性能測試。AS/NZS 1530.3標準根據點燃性指數、火焰傳播指數、熱釋放量指數、生煙指數來評估產品防火性能。南京睿督公司諮詢電話:025-86583475。
AS/NZS 1530.3建築材料防火測試–標準名稱
AS/NZS 1530.3 Methods for Fire Tests on Building Materials,Components and Structures - Part 3: Simultaneous Determination of Ignitability,Flame Propagation. Heat Release and Smoke Release
AS/NZS 1530.3 建築材料可燃性、火焰蔓延及熱釋放煙霧性能測試
AS/NZS 1530.3建築材料防火測試–測試資料評估
AS/NZS 1530.3建築材料防火測試–其他相關標準
AS/NZS 1530:建築材料、元件和構件的防火測試
AS/NZS 1530:Methods for fire tests on building materials,components and structures
AS/NZS 1530.1:建築材料、元件和構件的防火測試,第1部分:材料可燃性測試
AS/NZS 1530.2:建築材料、元件和構件的防火測試,第2部分:材料易燃性測試
AS/NZS 1530.3:建築材料、元件和構件的防火測試,第3部分:材料可燃性、火焰蔓延及熱釋放煙霧性能測試
AS/NZS 1530.4:建築材料、元件和構件的防火測試,第4部分:建築物單元耐火測試
AS/NZS 1530.3建築材料防火測試–引用標準
AS 1668.1:2015
AS/NZS 1530.3:1999 is cited by AS 1668.1:2015 The use of ventilation and air conditioning in buildings - Part 1: Fire and smoke control in buildings
AS 4254.1-2012
AS/NZS 1530.3:1999 is cited by AS 4254.1-2012 Ductwork for air-handling systems in buildings. Part 1: Flexible duct
AS 4254.2-2012
AS/NZS 1530.3:1999 is cited by AS 4254.2-2012 Ductwork for air-handling systems in buildings. Part 2: Rigid duct
AS/NZS 2918:2001
AS/NZS 1530.3:1999 is cited by AS/NZS 2918:2001 Domestic solid fuel burning appliances - Installation
AS/NZS 5601.1:2010
AS/NZS 1530.3:1999 is cited by AS/NZS 5601.1:2010 Gas installations - Part 1: General installations
AS/NZS 5601.1:2013
AS/NZS 1530.3:1999 is cited by AS/NZS 5601.1:2013 Gas installations - General installations
NZS 5261:2003
AS/NZS 1530.3:1999 is cited by NZS 5261:2003 Gas installation
◆ 南京睿督| 防火阻燃檢測 | 構件耐火性能檢測
軌道車輛:EN 45545-2, EN 45545-3, TB/T 3237, NFPA 130, TB 3138, NF F16-101, BS 6853, DIN 5510-2, UIC 564-2,
◆ 聯繫我們
南京睿督公司諮詢電話:+86 25 8658 3465 +86 25-8658 3475
微信號:firetesting 或 17714189018