工業門、商業門和車庫門CE認證標準EN13241引用EN12424及EN12444標準進行處於關閉位置的門的風荷載檢測,南京睿督公司為歐盟公告號授權合作機構,專業提供EN13241工業門CE認證及EN12424及EN12444門風荷載測試。諮詢電話:+86 25-8658 3475。
EN 12424 Industrial,commercial and garage doors and gates-Resistance to wind load-Classification
EN 12424 工業、商業和車庫門-抗風荷載特性-分類 (BS EN 12424:2000)
EN 12444: Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gatesd-Resistance to wind load-Testing and calculation
EN 12444: 工業、商業和車庫門-對風載荷的抗性.試驗和計算 (BS EN 12444:2001)
EN 12424標準規定了處於關閉位置的門的風荷載分類。門用於安裝在人夠不到的區域
EN 12424門抗風荷載等級劃分
EN 12424抗風荷載等級總共分為六個等級,Class 0~Class 5(Class 0 /Class 1 / Class 2 /Class 3 /Class 4 /Class 5)
EN 12424 Class 0: Is provided for identifying where there is no wind load performance, i.e. grilles or doors fitted to interior openings or fully protected openings.
EN 12424 Class 5: Is considered as ”Exceptional” above 1 000 Pa where a purchaser has a particular requirement and doors are designed specifically for that purpose by agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.

工業門CE認證標準-EN 13241:2003+A1:2016
EN 13241:2003+A2:2016 Industrial, commercial, garage doors and gates-Product standard, performance characteristics
EN 13241:2003+A2:2016 工業門、商業門和車庫門-產品標準、性能特徵。
工業門、商業門和車庫門EN 13241歐盟CE認證主要測試項目
Water tightness: 水密性測試 EN1027
Air permeability: 氣密性測試 EN1026
Resistance to wind load: 抗風壓測試 EN12211
Load-bearing capacity of safety devices扣緊裝置的安全性 EN948
門窗及建築五金歐盟公告號CE認證/門窗CE認證協調標準匯總 請參考:http://www.hksmartps.com/ce/windowanddoor/4350.html
免費諮詢電話:+86 25-8658 3475 +86 25 86583465
網址:www.hksmartps.com www.fire-test.com