EAD 330499-00-0601:2017 Bonded fasteners for use in concrete 用於混凝土的粘結緊固件 EAD 330499-01-0601:2018 Bonded fasteners for use in concrete 用於混凝土的粘結緊固件 EAD 330499-01-0601-v01 Bonded fasteners for use in concrete - Variant for sustained tension load factor for 100 years working life 混凝土用粘結緊固件-100年使用壽命的持續拉伸載荷係數變體 EAD 330499-02-0601:2022 Bonded fasteners and bonded expansion fasteners for use in concrete 混凝土用粘結緊固件和粘結膨脹緊固件
EAD 330499-02-0601:2022 Bonded fasteners and bonded expansion fasteners for use in concrete 混凝土用粘結緊固件和粘結膨脹緊固件
Basic Works Requirement 1: Mechanical resistance and stability Characteristic resistance to tension load (static and quasi-static loading)
1 Resistance to steel failure (tension) 2.2.1 2 Resistance to combined pull-out and concrete failure 2.2.2 3 Resistance to concrete cone failure 2.2.3 4 Edge distance to prevent splitting under load 2.2.4 5 Robustness 2.2.5 6 Maximum setting torque moment 7 Minimum edge distance and spacing 2.2.6
Characteristic resistance to shear load (static and quasi-static loading)
8 Resistance to steel failure (shear) 9 Resistance to pry-out failure 10 Resistance to concrete edge failure 2.2.9 Displacements under short term and long term
11 Displacements under short term and long term loading 2.2.10 (0, ∞)[mm or mm/(N/mm2)] Durability
12 Durability of metal parts 2.2.11 Characteristic resistance and displacements for seismic performance categories C1 or C2 (optional) 13 Resistance to steel failure 14 Resistance to pull-out 15 Fracture elongation 16 Factor for annular gap 17 Displacements
Under the CPR, harmonised technical specifications are harmonised European product standards (hENs) established by CEN/CENELEC2 or European Assessment Documents (EADs) produced by the European CPR指令認證的依據是建築指令歐盟協調標準或歐盟評估檔(EADs)
European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA) as the basis for issuing ETAs for products not covered by hENs.The harmonised technical specification for a product defines EEA-wide methods of assessing and declaring 對於沒有被協調標準完全覆蓋的建築產品的認證,可以通過EOTA機構核發ETA認證證書(等同於CE認證書)。 錨栓涉及的EAD標準: