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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
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NF P 92-501
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EN ISO 1182
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首頁   政策法规   睿督ETA認證| EAD 330499-02-0601粘結錨栓/化學錨栓歐盟ETA認證

睿督ETA認證| EAD 330499-02-0601粘結錨栓/化學錨栓歐盟ETA認證

EAD 330499有哪些標準版本/什麼時間發佈的

EAD 330499-00-0601:2017 Bonded fasteners for use in concrete 用於混凝土的粘結緊固件
EAD 330499-01-0601:2018 Bonded fasteners for use in concrete 用於混凝土的粘結緊固件
EAD 330499-01-0601-v01 Bonded fasteners for use in concrete - Variant for sustained tension load factor for 100 years working life 混凝土用粘結緊固件-100年使用壽命的持續拉伸載荷係數變體
EAD 330499-02-0601:2022 Bonded fasteners and bonded expansion fasteners for use in concrete 混凝土用粘結緊固件和粘結膨脹緊固件

EAD 330499-01-0601 is replaced EAD 330499-02-0601 ETAG 001-5 (Canceled) EAD 330499-00-0601 (Canceled),EAD 330499-01-0601:2018 Released: November,2020 粘結膨脹緊固件ETA認證標準EAD 330499-02-0601已取代EAD 330499-01-0601和ETAG 001-5。

粘結錨栓/化學錨栓ETA認證:EAD 330499-02-0601

EAD 330499-02-0601:2022 Bonded fasteners and bonded expansion fasteners for use in concrete 混凝土用粘結緊固件和粘結膨脹緊固件


Basic Works Requirement 1: Mechanical resistance and stability
Characteristic resistance to tension load (static and quasi-static loading)

1 Resistance to steel failure (tension) 2.2.1
2 Resistance to combined pull-out and concrete failure 2.2.2
3 Resistance to concrete cone failure 2.2.3
4 Edge distance to prevent splitting under load 2.2.4
5 Robustness 2.2.5
6 Maximum setting torque moment
7 Minimum edge distance and spacing 2.2.6

Characteristic resistance to shear load (static and quasi-static loading)

8 Resistance to steel failure (shear)
9 Resistance to pry-out failure
10 Resistance to concrete edge failure 2.2.9
Displacements under short term and long term

11 Displacements under short term and long term
loading 2.2.10 (0, ∞)[mm or mm/(N/mm2)]

12 Durability of metal parts 2.2.11
Characteristic resistance and displacements for seismic performance categories C1 or C2 (optional)
13 Resistance to steel failure
14 Resistance to pull-out
15 Fracture elongation
16 Factor for annular gap
17 Displacements


Under the CPR, harmonised technical specifications are harmonised European product standards (hENs) established by CEN/CENELEC2 or European Assessment Documents (EADs) produced by the European

European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA) as the basis for issuing ETAs for products not covered by hENs.The harmonised technical specification for a product defines EEA-wide methods of assessing and declaring


EAD 330232-00-0601 混凝土用金屬錨栓(可應對所有動載荷需求:C1級和C2級抗震,抗衝擊和疲勞負載)
EAD 330499-00-0601 混凝土用粘結型錨栓
EAD 330196-00-0604 固定外保溫複合系統用塑膠錨栓
EAD 330087-02-0601 後錨固植筋膠
EAD 330747-00-0601 機械錨栓多錨固

緊固件、化學/機械錨栓、車修壁虎、植筋膠、預埋件/槽埋ETA認證怎麼申請? http://www.cprce.com/Certification/eta/924.html
歐盟ETA認證/EAD標準編號  http://www.cprce.com/Certification/eta/988.html 

錨栓,化學錨栓,植筋膠等需要做ETA認證,按照EAD標準來進行測試認證,產品需要送到歐洲EOTA成員實驗室進行ETA認證測試。測試內容涵蓋了金屬、粘結型、塑膠錨栓以及植筋膠等產品,測試標準包括EAD 330232、EAD 330449、EAD 330196、EAD 330087和EAD 330747等,南京睿督為客戶提供專業合規的歐盟CE認證和ETA認證,減少認證中間溝通環節,權威省時省力。ETA認證諮詢電話:025-86583475。


南京睿督公司諮詢電話:86 25-86583475   +86 25 8658 3465
網址:www.hksmartps.com   www.cprce.com
微信:firetesting  或 17714189018


 來源:防火網 發布時間:3/25/2025 點擊次數:7

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