EN 13813:2002 Screed material and floor screeds-Screed material-Properties and requirements EN 13813:2002 找平層材料和瀝青地面-找平層材料.性能和要求
EN 13813:2002找平層材料和瀝青地面CE認證標準適用範圍
EN 13813:2002-This European Standard specifies requirements for screed material for use in floor construction internally.To support the aim of achieving a performance related standard, as far as practicable this standard refers only to the properties of product and not to its method of manufavure, except when this is unavoidable in the description of the characteristics of the products.
EN 13813:2002找平層材料和瀝青地面CE認證體系
EN 13813:2002找平層材料和瀝青地面根據體系3(AVCP 3)進行歐盟CE認證,需要歐盟公告認證機構(歐盟NB公告機構)對產品進行初步型式測試。從2013年7月1日起,歐盟強制實施建築產品CPR法規(Construction Product Regulation簡稱No.305/2011/EU-CPR法規) ,新的CPR法規取代之前的CPD指令(Construction Product Directive簡稱CPD:89/106/EEC指令) ,南京睿督公司為歐盟公告號機構的授權合作機構,將為您提供專業權威的建築產品CE認證。