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首頁   喷射火测试   ISO 22899-1 and OTI 95634 Jet FireTest

ISO 22899-1 and OTI 95634 Jet FireTest

Jet FireTest of fire resistance during exposure of ignited pressurized combustible liquid or gas

Jet fires represent a major fire risk in installations with pressurized hydrocarbons. Jet fires may vary with respect to flame length, heat flux and velocities, and important influencing factors are the type and nature of the fuel, pressure and amount of fuel, geometry of the rupture, and surrounding conditions. The geometry of the structure may also be an important parameter with respect to the resistance of the passive fire protection exposed to a jet fire.

We have a long experience in jet fire testing and has been involved in the development of several jet fire test standards used by the industry and the authorities today. We can offer single tests or test series comprising of one or several jet fires, as well as jet fires in combination with varying heat flux levels, for example fires following the HC curve. Jet fires can be conducted with heat flux up to 350-400 kW/m2.

We offer the following jet fire tests and related tests:
Standard jet fire
The objective of a standard jet fire test is to determine the resistance to jet fires of passive fire protection materials and systems. It gives an indication of how passive fire protection materials behave in a jet fire. The test methods ISO 22899-1 and OTI 95634 both cover:
- Tubulars
- Panels
- Structural steel
- Pipe- and cable penetrations
Extended jet fires
Our extended jet fire furnaces can be used where standard jet fires are unsufficient:
- higher temperatures (1300 – 1400 °C)
- higher heat fluxes (350 kW/m2)
- for larger test specimens 
HC - Jet combination test series
Used for certification for different specifications, with the possibility to interpolate between tests. This gives the possibility to perform variations in the fire protection in multiple test specimens in a single horizontal furnace HC-test, and then compare this to a selection of variations subjected to a jet fire test.
- HC fire (pool fire), horizontal furnace
- Jet fire
- Jet fire addition
Sequential jet and pool-fire test
The extended jet fire furnace can be used to simulate the exposure in a HC fire furnace. This gives us the ability to perform a combination of both jet fire directly followed by a simulated HC-fire in the same test. For example:
- 350 kW/m2 jet fire for 15 minutes + 2 hours pool fire.

Pressurized pipes, valves and end connections
We offer testing of pressurized pipes, valves and end connections according to API standards.
Mini jet-fire
This is a smaller-scale test set-up mainly developed for product development and realistic screening tests. The mini jet uses a premixed flame of air and propane to obtain similar temperature as in a standard jet fire according to ISO 22899-1. The flame temperatures are similar, but the erosion effect on the test specimen is not comparable.

OTI 95634 被动防火材料耐喷射火试验 Jet Fire Jet Fire Resistance Test of Passive Fire Protection Materials
ISO 22899 确定被动防火材料对喷射火灾的阻燃性。第1部分:一般要求
ISO 22899 确定被动防火材料对喷射火灾的阻燃性。第2部分:分类和实施方法指南
NORSOK 标准S-001

OTI 95634JetFire   https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/2124676.html
ISO 22899-1喷射防火测试 https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/2572869.html

IMO A.753(18) L1耐火等级测试

更多关于玻璃钢管道、PP管道等船舶用塑料管道的Jet Fire喷射火焰测试,请咨询南京睿督公司


電話:+86 25-8658 3475  +86 25-8658 3465
網址:www.fire-test.com   www.firete.com 
郵箱:fanghuo@vip.163.com   info@firete.com
微信號:firetesting  或 177 1418 9018


 來源:防火網 發布時間:3/1/2023 點擊次數:1482

 上一條: GA 817-2009噴射無機纖維防火材料的性能要求及試驗方法

 下一條: 海洋平臺玻璃鋼管道L1級防火、JetFire噴射火試驗
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