EAD 080002-00-0102 Non-reinforcing hexagonal geogrid for the stabilisation of unbound granular layers by way of interlock with the aggregate EAD 080002-00-0102 通過與骨料互鎖的方式穩定未結合顆粒層的非增強六邊形土工格柵
The stabilisation geocomposite shall have European Technical Assessment (ETA) Certification for the intended use of stabilisation of unbound layers by way of interlock with the aggregate, issued in accordance with European Organisation for Technical Assessment (EOTA) European Assessment Document (EAD) 080002-00-0102.The product is not covered by a harmonised European Standard (hEN).
1. Radial Secant Stiffness at 0,5% and 2,0 strain in rib and mid rib directions 2. Radial Secant Stiffness Ratio 3. Junction Efficiency 4. Hexagon pitch 5. Resistance to Weathering 6. Resistance to Oxidation 7. Ressistance to acid and alkali liquids
EOTA TR041非增強六邊形土工格柵,通過與骨料互鎖的方式穩定未結合的顆粒層。 EN 12224 土工織物及其相關產品耐候性的測定 EN 14030 土工織物及其相關產品耐酸鹼性測定的篩選試驗方法 EN ISO 10318-1土工織物及其相關產品,術語和定義,土工織物及其相關產品抗氧化性測定的篩選試驗方法 EN ISO 13438土工織物及其相關產品抗氧化性測定的篩選試驗方法
Under the CPR, harmonised technical specifications are harmonised European product standards (hENs) established by CEN/CENELEC2 or European Assessment Documents (EADs) produced by the European CPR指令認證的依據是建築指令歐盟協調標準或歐盟評估檔(EADs)
European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA) as the basis for issuing ETAs for products not covered by hENs.The harmonised technical specification for a product defines EEA-wide methods of assessing and declaring 對於沒有被協調標準完全覆蓋的建築產品的認證,可以通過EOTA機構核發ETA認證證書(等同於CE認證書)。