EN 15167-1:2006 Ground granulated blast furnace slag for use in concrete, mortar and grout-Part1: Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria EN 15167-1:2006 用於混凝土、砂漿和水泥漿中的粒化高爐礦渣粉-第1部分:定義、規範和合格標準。 EN 15167-2:2006 Ground granulated blast furnace slag for use in concrete, mortar and grout-Part 2: Conformity evaluation EN 15167-2:2006用於混凝土、砂漿和水泥漿中的粒化高爐礦渣粉-第2部分:合格評定。
EN 15167-1礦渣粉CE認證適用範圍
EN 15167-1:2006-This European Standard specifies requirements for the chemical and physical properties as well as quality control procedures for ground granulated blastfurace slag for use as a type II addition in the production of concrete, including in particular cast-in-situ or prefabricated structural concrete conforming to EN 206-1, Ground granulated blastfurnace slag conforming to this European Standard may also be used in mortars and grouts. 該歐洲標準要求物理和化學性質不僅是符合用於Ⅱ型混凝土的生產的粒化高爐礦渣的品質控制程式, 還包括特別是現澆或預製結構混凝土符合 EN 206-1。符合本歐洲標準的粒化高爐礦渣也可以用於砂漿和灌漿。