酚醛泡沫(PF)CE認證標準- EN 13166:2012+A1:2015 EN 13166:2012+A1:2015 Thermal insulation products for buildings-Factory made products of phenolic foam(PF)-Specification 建築用隔熱產品-工廠生產酚醛泡沫(PF)產品-規範。EN13166標準規定了保溫隔熱產品申請CE標誌認證需滿足的基本特徵。EN 13166:2012+A2:2016
EN 13166酚醛泡沫CE認證標準適用範圍 EN 13166-The European Standard Specifies the requirements for factory made phenolic foam (PF) products, with or without facings or coatings, which are used for the thermal insulation of buildings. The products are manufactured in the form of boards or slabs. Products covered by this standard are also used in prefabricated thermal insulation systems and composite panels; the performance of systems incorporating these products is not covered.
EN 13166酚醛泡沫CE認證體系 酚醛泡沫(PF)產品CE認證(保溫隔熱產品CE認證)根據EN 13166體系1進行歐盟CE認證,或者根據體系3進行歐盟CE認證。
EN 13166體系1需要歐盟公告認證機構(歐盟NB公告機構)對工廠進行持續監督並對產品測試評估。EN 13166體系3需要歐盟公告機構(歐盟NB公告機構)對工廠產品進行測試。具體請諮詢南京睿督。