家居安全一直是一個人們關心的重要話題,深夜、家中無人等生活中的很多場景都使房屋的安防係數面臨考驗,對於低層、別墅的住戶,外立面門窗的安防功能更尤為重要。英標BS6375-1/BS6375-2/BS6375-3門窗安全性能測試,PAS 24:2016英國門和窗元件的加強式安全性能要求,南京睿督公司與英國UKAS資質實驗室合作,專業提供BS6375,PAS24英國門窗安全防護性能測試,諮詢電話:+86 25-8658 3475。
BS 6375英標門窗性能測試標準
BS 6375-1 門窗性能-防風雨性的分類和選擇及規範指南 Performance of windows and doors.Part 1: Classification for weathertightness and guidance on selection and specification
BS 6375-2 門窗性能-操作和強度特性用分類和選擇及規範指南 Performance of windows and doors.Part 2: Classification for operation and strength characteristics and guidance on selection and specification
BS 6375-3 門窗性能-附加性能特性用分類和選擇指南和規範 Performance of windows and doors.Part 3: Classification for additional performance characteristics and guidance on selection and specification
PAS 24門窗防火安全性能測試 What does 'certificated' to PAS 24 actually mean?
In essence this is your guarantee that the production of the door you are purchasing is being monitored by a UKAS accredited certification body to ensure compliance with PAS 24:2016 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK. External doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk and the specific and the relevant material specific standard for general performance referenced in BS 6375 Parts 1, 2 and 3.
PAS 24, like most British Standards, is a minimum standard. In other words it doesn’t include higher or lower grades for security and so doors that are tested to the specifications of the standard either pass or fail. Although some of the doorsets that pass will be a little stronger than the minimum required, a minimum standard encourages engineers to design the door to pass at the minimum requirements. This makes economic and environmental sense and the effectiveness of doors certificated to this standard has proven that the minimum levels set by the British Standards were just about spot on.
BS PAS 24:2016參考連結 https://www.firete.com/popular_standards/13836.html
It is related to the European product standard for windows and external pedestrian doorsets, EN 14351)(see also Information about this document).
BS EN 14351 is the harmonized European Standard for windows and external doorsets and is the standard to be referenced if the product is to be CE marked.Not all the characteristics listed in BS EN 14351 are required for CE marking, and of those that are required, only those mandated (i.e. covered by national
building regulations) in the UK need be declared.
The majority of characteristics identified in BS EN 14351 have a number of performance levels. BS 6375 provides guidance to the specifier and the manufacturer on an appropriate level for the UK market. This can be by a single value for a product characteristic or by a value for a particular service condition.
For example, a doorset in a public building might need to meet a more severe level of performance for some characteristics than a doorset in a dwelling. Specifiers are not obliged to use a particular performance level but need to be aware that unnecessarily selecting a more severe performance level can incur a
cost penalty out of proportion to the performance advantage.
門窗CE認證協調標準 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/2119460.html
EN 12604:2017工業門機械性能測試/EN 13241工業門CE認證測試項目 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/2279683.html
EN 356玻璃防盜性能測試(P1A,P2A,P3A,P4A,P5A,P6B,P7B,P8B) https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/2387804.html
EN 1627:2011門窗防盜性能測試 https://www.firete.com/popular_standards/13647.html
電話:+86 25-8658 3475 +86 25-8658 3465
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