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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
EN ISO 1182
EN ISO 9239-1
EN 13501-1
首頁   权威实验室   Warringtonfire Testing and Certification UKAS 0087-建筑产品英国UKAS测试认证(四)

Warringtonfire Testing and Certification UKAS 0087-建筑产品英国UKAS测试认证(四)

Warringtonfire Testing and Certification UKAS 0087  

南京睿督公司提供英国UKAS资质Warringtonfire实验室测试与认证,Warringtonfire Testing and Certification UKAS 0087,具体内容请咨询南京睿督公司025-8658 3475 网址:www.fire-test.com  

Warringtonfire is proud to be part of Element Materials Technology, the leader in Testing, Inspection, Certification and Calibration services. 
Warringtonfire’s core purpose is to help our customers develop better products and processes; get their products to market on time; save time and money; and minimize the risk associated with product production and process development.

Warringtonfire英国UKAS资质TS00~TS83认证 http://www.firete.com/news/zhengce/15036.html

Thermal Insulating Products 
EN 13162, EN 13163, EN 13164, EN 13165, EN 13166 EN 13167, EN 13168, EN 13169, EN 13170, EN 13171

Suspended ceilings
EN 13964

Floor covering
EN 14041

Reaction to fire performance requirements:Electric cables 300/500 & 600/1000v fire resistant screened cables having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire. Multicore and multipair cables.
Certifire Scheme Document TS 66

Installation/Application of Fire Protection Materials and Products (the FIRAS scheme)
Structural steel installations
Sprinkler systems
Fire resisting timber doors/doorsets
Fire resisting metallic doors/doorsets
Fire rated composite doors/doorsets
Fire resisting rolling shutter doors/doorsets
Fire door maintenance
Fire resisting glazing
Fire resisting ducting
Fire rated dampers
Fire resisting partition systems
Cavity barriers
Penetration seals
Multi-layer paints

Fire protection products
Fire protection products under the following schemes.
EWCL2 Scheme Certification of fire protection products.
EWCL5 Scheme Certification of fire protection products

Life safety fire risk assessments
FRACS (company) certification scheme

BS 476-20 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/834881.html
BS 476-21 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/834866.html 
BS 476-22 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/834820.html 
BS 476-24 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/834456.html
Element Warrington英国UKAS 0249实验室

更多关于英国UKAS资质Element Warrington实验室具体测试内容,请咨询南京睿督公司 
南京睿督公司全国免费咨询电话:025-8658 3475   400-603-6575
网址:www.fire-test.com  www.fire-test.cn

 來源:防火網  發布時間:12/17/2021  點擊次數:722

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