核级涂料是用于存在核辐射的场所和结构的防护涂料,ASTM E1530涂料导热系数测试标准/导热系数测试标准涂料的保温隔热性能一个非常重要的参考指标就是涂料导热系数测试结果,目前涂料导热系数测试标准主要为ASTM E1530标准,ASTM E1530-19为最新版本标准,已取代ASTM E 1530-11(2016),南京睿督与美国权威实验室提供涂料ASTM E1530最新版本测试报告,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
ASTM E1530导热系数-测试方法
This test method covers a steady-state technique for the determination of the resistance to thermal transmission (thermal resistance) of materials in thickness of less than 25mm. This test method is useful for materials having a thermal resistance in the range from 10 to 400 ×10-4 m2 k/w thermal conductivity in the approximate range, temperature range from 150 to 400K. It can be used outside these ranges with reduced accuracy for thicker specimens and for thermal conductivity values up to 60W/(M.K)
ASTM E 1530标准与ASTM C 518测试方法及概念类似。
ASTM E1530导热系数-样品要求
ASTM E1530样品要求:The recommended specimen configuration is a 50.8±0.25mm diameter disk, having smooth flat and parallel faces. The thickness less than 25mm.