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The PAS24:2022 Update

◆ What is PAS24? 

PAS24 is a security standard for windows and door sets.

Products undergo PAS24 testing and, if they achieve the required security performance, they get PAS24 certification. This is proof that products can withstand an attempted break-in.

In September 2022 a new version of PAS24 standards were introduced. It’s often referred to as PAS24:2022. The previous version, PAS24:2016, has now been withdrawn.

For manufacturers, installers and testing houses, that means a few changes to the way they do things. But for customers, it’s business as usual, with PAS24: 2022 doors and windows continuing to offer top-level security.

◆ How are PAS24 doors and windows tested?

To achieve PAS24 certification, a door or window manufacturer has to send their products to be tested by an independent testing company. This company must be certified by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).

The testing house will submit products to a range of tests, many of which are designed to replicate known burglary methods in the UK. Here are just a couple of the tests that doors and windows go through.

·Manipulation testing – an inspector tries to break through a door or window by releasing the locks and hinges
·Manual cutting testing – the inspector tries to gain entry by cutting a hole in the door or window
·Mechanical loading testing – using a machine, the inspector applies pressure to door or window, simulating the effect of a crowbar
·Impact testing – the inspector tries to break down the door or window using a 50kg metal battering ram on a pendulum
Only doors and windows that pass all of the required tests are awarded PAS24 certification. These products provide good, albeit not impenetrable, protection against an attempted break-in.

◆ Products must also meet the general performance requirements as listed below:

BS 6375-1:2015+A1:2016 Performance of windows and doors - Part 1: Classification for weather tightness and guidance on selection and specification

BS 6375-2:2009 Performance of windows and doors – Part 2: Classification for operation and strength characteristics and guidance on selection and specification

BS 6375-3:2009+A1:2013 Performance of windows and doors Part 3: Classification for additional performance characteristics and guidance on selection and specification

BS 6375 parts 1, 2 & 3 certifies that a particular doorset is fit for purpose. These standards have replaced PAS 23:1999 which has been withdrawn.

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 来源:防火网 发布时间:1/8/2024 点击次数:818

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