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首页   英国   BS ISO 20902-1/-2 石油、天然气和石化行业的分区元件的防火测试程序

BS ISO 20902-1/-2 石油、天然气和石化行业的分区元件的防火测试程序

BS ISO 20902-1:2018(2022) Fire test procedures for divisional elements that are typically used in oil, gas and petrochemical industries Part 1 : General requirements
BS ISO 20902-1:2018(2022) 通常用于石油、天然气和石化行业的分区元件的防火测试程序 第1部分:一般要求

BS ISO 20902-2:2023 通常用于石油、天然气和石化行业的分区元件的防火测试程序 管道穿透和电缆穿隔密封系统的附加程序。

√ Introduction
This document describes a test procedure to assess the protection afforded by fire protection materials and systems to divisional elements. It gives an indication of how fire protection materials perform when exposed to a set of specified fire conditions.

The classification of divisional elements (bulkheads and decks) in the marine industry (i.e. ships as defined by IMO, SOLAS) is primarily undertaken in accordance with classification society procedures through testing to the FTP codes, IMO resolution 307(88), formerly IMO A.754(18). Historically FTP code compliant test evidence has been used to support non-marine applications by implementing hydrocarbon time temperature regime profiles. To reduce the burden on industry, this document is compatible with MSC 307(88) where relevant, allowing testing to both IMO and ISO test procedures for specific classification ratings.

√ Scope
This document specifies a test procedure for determining the fire resistance of divisional elements with a fire protection system, when exposed to cellulosic or hydrocarbon-pool type fire conditions. It is applicable to divisional elements intended for non-marine applications but suitable for offshore fixed and mobile installations.
The test data obtained, when used in conjunction with published fire test standards, permit subsequent classification of the divisional elements based on the duration of their performance against specified criteria.

√ Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 834-1:1999, Fire-resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 1: General requirements
ISO 13943, Fire safety — Vocabulary

√ Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions in ISO 13943 and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

vertical divisional element typically used in the marine industry

horizontal divisional element typically used in the marine industry

divisional element
element that is intended for use in maintaining separation between two adjacent areas of facilities within the oil and gas industry, and which may or may not be load bearing

critical temperature
temperature at which the yield strength of the material is reduced to the minimum allowable under operating loading conditions

structural core
primary component or components of the divisional element responsible for providing load bearing capability or integrity (as appropriate), excluding additional components provided for insulation purposes
Note 1 to entry: This typically consists of a metallic plate (either flat or corrugated) with stiffeners.

√ Bibliography
Code FTP, IMO Resolution MSC 307(88), Annex 1, Fire Test Procedures, Part 3, “Test for “A” (et al) class divisions
IEC 60598-1:1995, Thermocouples — Part 1: Reference table
ISO 13702:2015, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Control and mitigation of fires and explosions on offshore production installations — Requirements and guidelines
ISO 22899, Determination of the resistance to jet fires of passive fire protection materials
UL 1709, Standard for Rapid Rise Fire Tests of Protection Materials for Structural Steel
BS 476, Fire tests on building materials and structures

√ 相关标准
IMO Res MSC.307(88) 船舶材料防火测试 https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/836402.html
OTI 95634JetFire   https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/4391703.html
ISO 22899-1喷射防火测试  https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/4560441.html
IMO A.753(18) L1耐火等级测试  https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/4490848.html

更多关于玻璃钢管道、PP管道等船舶用塑料管道的OTI 95634 Jet Fire喷射火焰测试,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475   400-603-6575
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 来源:防火网 发布时间:11/29/2023 点击次数:797

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