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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
EN ISO 1182
EN ISO 9239-1
EN 13501-1
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中国防火网携手南京睿督提供专业权威的防火阻燃烟毒检测,主要有BS6853,DIN5510,NFF16-101,EN45545,NFPA130,铁标TBT3237等。具体各国测试项目及内容如下:咨询电话025-8658 3475。

BS 6853:1999 & LUL 1-085 英国防火测试标准
BS 6853:1999-载客列车设计与构造防火通用规范。BS 6853:1999 Code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains.
BS 6853 表1-表14(BS6853 Table 1-Table 14)

BS476-6: 火焰传播指数测试 (Fire propagation test)
BS476-7: 火焰表面蔓延测试 (Surface flammability test)
EN ISO 4589-2: 氧指数测试 (oxygen index test)
EN ISO 4589-3: 温升指数测试 (Temperature index test)
EN ISO 9239-1: 地板表面火焰延伸等级测试 (Spread of flame test-floor coverings)
BS 6853 Annex B.1 and B.2: 毒性测试 (Toxicity test)
BS 6853 Annex D.8.3 / D.8.4 / D.8.5 / D.8.6 / D.8.7: 烟密度测试 (Smoke density)
BS 476-4: 材料不燃性测试 (Non-combustibility test)
BS 476-15: 材料热释放量测试 (the rate of heat release test)
BS 476-20: 建筑材料耐火测试(一般原则) (Fire resistance-general principles )
BS 476-22: 非承重材料的耐火测试 (Fire resistance for non-load bearing)
BS4066-3: 电缆成束燃烧测试 (Flame test on bunched cables)
LUL 1-085伦敦地铁协会防火标准(London Underground limited-Fire safety performance of materials)
LUL 2-01001-002 伦敦地铁协会防火标准(London Underground limited-Fire safety performance of materials)

DIN 5510-2:2009-05 德国防火测试标准
DIN 5510-2:2009-05 轨道车辆的防火保护-分类、要求和测试方法。DIN 5510-2:2009-05 Preventive fire protect in railway vehicle part 2: Classification, requirement and test method.

DIN 4102-1: 防火等级测试 (Classification for building materials)
DIN 54837: 轨道车辆材料防火测试 ( Flammability testing for S2-S5)
DIN 53438-1: 轨道车辆材料防火测试 ( Flammability testing for S1)
DIN 53438-2: 轨道车辆材料防火测试 ( Flammability testing for S1)
DIN 53438-3: 轨道车辆材料防火测试 ( Flammability testing for S1)
DIN EN ISO 9239-1: 地板表面火焰延伸等级测试 (Spread of flame test-floor coverings)
DIN EN ISO 5659-2: 毒性测试( Toxicity test)
DIN EN 50266-2-4: 电缆成束燃烧测试 (Flame test on bunched cables)
DIN EN 50266-2-5: 电缆成束燃烧测试 (Flame test on bunched cables)
DIN EN 50305 Se.9.1.1电缆成束燃烧测试 (Flame test on bunched cables)
DIN EN 50305 Se.9.1.2电缆成束燃烧测试 (Flame test on bunched cables)
DIN EN 50305 Se.9.2 电缆毒性测试( Toxicity test for cable)
DIN EN 61034-1:电缆烟密度测试-第1部分:测试仪器 (smoke density of cable, Part 1-Test apparatus)
DIN EN 61034-2:电缆烟密度测试,第2部分:测试程序及要求(smoke density of cable, Part 2-Test procedure and requirement)
DIN EN 60332-1-1: 单根电缆燃烧测试(Test for Flame propagation for a single cable)
DIN EN 60332-1-2: 单根电缆燃烧测试(Test for Flame propagation for a single cable)
DIN EN 50306-1: 薄壁电缆的防火测试,一般要求(the thin wall cable for having special fire performance, Part 1: General requirements)
DIN EN 50305: 电缆防火性能测试方法 (Cable having special fire performance-test methods)

NFF16-101:1988 铁路车辆防火材料的选择。NFF16-101:1988 Railway rolling stock fire behaviour choice of material.
NFF16-102:1992 铁路车辆防火材料的选择-电子电器产品。NFF16-101:1988 Railway rolling stock fire behaviour choice of material-Electrical equipment.

NFP92-501: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
NFP92-503: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
NFP92-504: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
NFP92-505: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
NFP92-506: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
NFP92-507: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
NFP92-512: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
EN ISO 4589-2: 氧指数测试 (oxygen index test for I rating)
EN 60695-2-10/11: 灼热丝测试 (Glow wire test for I rating)
NFX10-702: 烟密度测试 (Smoke test for F rating)
NFX70-100: 毒性测试 (Toxicity test for F rating)
NFC32-070: 电缆防火测试 ( Flammability test for cables)
NFG07-128: 氧指数测试 (oxygen index test for I rating)
NFT51-071: 氧指数测试 (oxygen index test for I rating)
NFC20-455: 灼热丝测试 (Glow wire test for I rating)
UIC564-2: 国际铁路联盟标准(Specification of the Internation Railway Union)

NFPA130:2010 固定轨道和旅客铁路系统 Standard for Fixed Guideway transit and passenger rail systems.

ASTM E162: 表面燃烧测试 (Surface flammability test)
ASTM E648: 地板表面火焰延伸等级测试 (Spread of flame test-floor coverings)
ASTM E662: 烟密度测试 (smoke density test)
ASTM C1166: 火焰蔓延测试 (Flame propagation test)
ASTM D3575: 表面燃烧测试 (surface flammability of flexible cellular materials)
ASTM E84: 表面燃烧测试 (Surface burning characteristics of building materials)
ASTM D648: 塑料的挠曲温度测试 (Deflection temperature of plastics under flexural load)
FMVSS302: 汽车内装饰材料燃烧性能测试(Flammability of materials used in the occupant compartment of motor vehicles)

EN45545-2:2013 铁路应用-铁路车辆的防火保护-第2部分:材料和元件的防火要求。EN45545-2:2013 Railway application-Fire protection of railway vehicles-Part 2: Requirement for fire behaviour of materials and components.
EN45545-2 R1-R26

EN13501-1 建筑防火等级划分测试( Fire classification of construction products and building elements)
EN 50266-2-4: 电缆成束燃烧测试 (Flame test on bunched cables)
EN 50266-2-5: 电缆成束燃烧测试 (Flame test on bunched cables)
EN 50305 Se.9.1.1电缆成束燃烧测试 (Flame test on bunched cables)
EN 50305 Se.9.1.2电缆成束燃烧测试 (Flame test on bunched cables)
EN 50305 Se.9.2 电缆毒性测试( Toxicity test for cable)
EN 61034-1:电缆烟密度测试-第1部分:测试仪器 (smoke density of cable, Part 1-Test apparatus)
EN 61034-2:电缆烟密度测试,第2部分:测试程序及要求(smoke density of cable, Part 2-Test procedure and requirement)
EN 60332-1-1: 单根电缆燃烧测试(Test for Flame propagation for a single cable)
EN 60332-1-2: 单根电缆燃烧测试(Test for Flame propagation for a single cable)
EN ISO 1182: 材料不燃性测试 (Non-combustibility test)
EN ISO 1716: 热释放量测试 (the heat of combustion)
EN ISO 4589-2: 氧指数测试 (oxygen index test )
EN ISO 5659-2: 毒性测试( Toxicity test)
EN ISO 9239-1: 地板表面火焰延伸等级测试 (Spread of flame test-floor coverings)
EN ISO 6507-3: 硬度测试 (Vickers hardness test)
EN ISO 11925-2: 单一火焰的可燃性测试 (Ignitability of building products-single flame source test)
EN ISO 5658-2: 垂直火焰蔓延测试 (Spread of flame)
EN ISO 5660-1: 热释放量测试 (Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate)
ISO 19702: 毒性测试(Toxicity testing)
NFX70-100-1: 毒性测试 (Toxicity test)
NFX70-100-2: 毒性测试 (Toxicity test)

UNI CEI 11170-3意大利防火测试标准
UNI CEI 11170-3: 轨道车辆防护的指导,第3部分:材料的防火性能评估,接受限度。UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for fire protection of railway, tramway and guided path vehicles, Evaluation of fire behaviour of materials-Limits of acceptance.

UNE 23.721: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
UNE 23.723: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
UNE 23.724: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
UNE 23.725: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
UNE 23.727: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)


Building test建材防火测试标准
EN13501:2007+A1:2009 建筑产品和部件燃烧性能的分类,第1部分:根据燃烧试验反应的试验数据进行分类。EN13501:2007+A1:2009 Fire classification of construction products and building elements-Part 1: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests.
EN ISO 1182: 不燃性测试 (Non-combustibility test)
EN ISO 1716: 热释放量测试 (the heat of combustion)
EN ISO 13823: 单体燃烧测试(Single burning item-SBI)
EN ISO 11925-2: 单一火焰的可燃性测试 (Ignitability of building products-single flame source test)
EN ISO 9239-1: 地板表面火焰延伸等级测试 (Spread of flame test-floor coverings)
EN 1187: 天花板测试 (Roof tests)

UK building regulations英国建材防火测试标准
BS476-4: 材料不燃性测试 (Non-combustibility test)
BS476-5: 可燃性测试 (Ignitability test)
BS476-6: 火焰传播指数测试 (Fire propagation test)
BS476-7: 火焰表面蔓延测试 (Surface flammability test)
BS476-11: 建材热辐射值测试 (assessing the heat emission)
BS476-12: 可燃性测试 (Ignitability test)
BS 476-15: 材料热释放量测试 (the rate of heat release test)
BS 476-20: 建筑材料耐火测试(一般原则) (Fire resistance-general principles )
BS 476-21: 承重材料的耐火测试 (Fire resistance for load bearing)
BS 476-22: 非承重材料的耐火测试 (Fire resistance for non-load bearing)
BS 476-23: 各部分元件对构件的耐火性分摊作用的测试 (Contribution of components to the fire resistance of a structure)
BS 476-24: 通风管道的耐火测试 (Fire resistance of ventilation ducts)

French building regulations法国建材防火测试标准
NFP92-501: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
NFP92-503: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
NFP92-504: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
NFP92-505: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
NFP92-506: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
NFP92-507: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
NFP92-512: M等级测试 (Flammability test for M rating)
EN ISO 4589-2: 氧指数测试 (oxygen index test for I rating)
EN 60695-2-10/11: 灼热丝测试 (Glow wire test for I rating)

German building regulations德国建材防火测试标准
DIN 4102-1: 防火等级测试 (Classification for building materials)
DIN 4102-8: 小型试验台测试 (Small scale test furnace)
DIN 4102-14: 地板表面火焰延伸等级测试 (Spread of flame test-floor coverings)
DIN EN ISO 9239-1: 地板表面火焰延伸等级测试 (Spread of flame test-floor coverings)
EN ISO 4589-2: 氧指数测试 (oxygen index test)

The United States building regulation美国建材防火标准
ASTM E162: 表面燃烧测试 (Surface flammability test)
ASTM E648: 地板表面火焰延伸等级测试 (Spread of flame test-floor coverings)
ASTM E662: 烟密度测试 (smoke density test)
ASTM C1166: 火焰蔓延测试 (Flame propagation test)
ASTM E84: 表面燃烧测试 (Surface burning characteristics of building materials)
ASTM E119: 耐火测试 ( Fire tests of building construction and materials)
ASTM E136: 材料不燃性测试 (Non-combustibility test)
ASTM E1354: 热释放量测试 (Test for heat and smoke release rate)
ASTM E1530: 热导测试 (Resistance to thermal transmission)
ASTM D2863: 氧指数测试(Oxygen index test)
ASTM D2864: 烟密度测试(Smoke density test)
UL94: 美国防火等级测试(Flammability test)
NFPA251: 建材耐火测试(Fire resistance of building construction)
NFPA252: 门及组件耐火测试 (Fire tests of door assemblies)
ISO834: 耐火测试 (Fire resistance test)

Canada building regulations加拿大防火标准
CMVSS302: 汽车内装饰材料燃烧性能测试(Flammability of materials used in the occupant compartment of motor vehicles)
CAN/ULC S101: 建筑结构及材料的耐火性能测试方法(Fire resistance for Building construction)
CAN/ULC S102: 材料表面燃烧性能测试(Surface burning characteristics of building materials)
CAN/ULC S102.2: 地板表面燃烧特性测试(Surface burning characteristics of building materials)
CAN/ULC S104: 防火门及组件耐火测试(Standard Method for Fire tests of Door Assemblies)
CAN/ULC S127: 建筑材料易燃性测试(Standard Corner wall Method test for Flammability Characteristics)
CAN/ULC S134: 外墙附件防火测试(Standard Method of Fire Test of Exterior wall Assemblies)
CAN/ULC S135: 建筑材料燃烧分级测试方法(Determination of Degrees of Combustibility of building)

Automobile testing汽车材料防火测试标准
FMVSS302: 美国汽车材料防火测试(Flammability test)
CMVSS302: 加拿大汽车材料防火测试(Flammability test)
Directive 95/28/EC: 欧盟汽车材料防火测试(Flammability test)
BS AU 169a: 英国汽车材料防火测试(Flammability test)
ISO 3795: 汽车材料防火测试(Flammability test)
JIS D 1201: 汽车材料防火测试(Flammability test)

Ship industry material & IMO Testing船舶材料防火测试标准
IMO MSC 61(67) testing
IMO MSC 61(67) Part 1: 不燃烧性测试 (Non-combustibility test)
IMO MSC 61(67) Part 2: 烟密度及毒性测试 (Smoke and toxicity test)
IMO MSC 61(67) Part 3: A、B、F级耐火测试 (Fire resistance of A、B and F class divisions)
IMO MSC 61(67) Part 4: 防火门控制系统测试 (Test for fire door control systems)
IMO MSC 61(67) Part 5: 表面燃烧性能测试 (surface flammability test)
IMO MSC 61(67) Part 6: 甲板覆盖物测试 (Test for primary deck covering)
IMO MSC 61(67) Part 7: 纺织品测试 (Test for vertical supported textiles and films)
IMO MSC 61(67) Part 8: 软体家具测试 (Test for upholstered furniture)
UNI EN ISO 1182: 不燃性测试 (Non-combustibility test)
EN ISO 5659-2: 烟密度及毒性测试 (Smoke and toxicity test)
IMO Res.A.754(18): A、B、F级耐火测试 (Fire resistance of A、B and F class divisions)
IMO Res.A.687(17): 甲板覆盖物测试 (Test for primary deck covering)
IMO Res.A.653(14): 纺织品测试 (Test for vertical supported textiles and films)
IMO Res.A.471(Ⅻ): 纺织品测试 (Test for vertical supported textiles and films)
IMO Res.A.652(16): 软体家具测试 (Test for upholstered furniture)
IMO Res.A.688(17): 床上用品可燃性测试 (Test for bedding components)

Aircraft testing飞机材料防火测试标准
ABD0031: 空客标准 (Airbus fire testing-flame, smoke and toxicity)
BS7238: 波音烟密度测试(smoked density test)
BS7239: 波音毒性测试(Toxicity test)
FAR/JAR/CS 25.853: 飞机材料防火测试(Regulation for airworthiness)

If you require any other testing, please do let us know and we will do our best to help you.

南京睿督产品服务有限公司  免费咨询电话:025-8658 3475   400-603-7565


 来源:防火网  发布时间:2/24/2016  点击次数:1938

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